My Way of Living:
Of Running Fevers and Jumbo Liempos :The Ortigas 22k LSD Experience
Introducing Team Powerpuff Boys!
Goodbye Piolow : Finally Making It At San Mig Bay Run
To Infinity and Beyond - The Mizuno Race Report
Rainy Days and Sundays Don't Always Get Me Down : The Earth Run Report
"Pare, Ano PR Mo?"
Simmering Views From a Botak Paa-Tibayan 21k Survivor
Defying Expectations
DIY — painted photo backgrounds
Of Pain and Near-Misses At The 2011 Condura Skyway Marathon
Choices: Unpacking or blogging… well of course I choose blogging!
The Condura Diary Of A Gingerbread Marathon Virgin
Gingerbreadtalk : On IM China, 6-week Marathon Training, Baby Manokan, Quest 825 Cycling, and Jay Cu Unjieng Writes '30'.
The Totally Unofficial GBM Monster List
Official Gingerbread Response to the Piolo 15k Challenge
Gingerbreadtalk : Nostlagia hits on Subic and Cebu,Fat Ass, and another Powerpuff Victory
Finding the bright side of January
Achieving my goals… with Frankenstein
Shiny new year reflections on a blank page
All that remains is the glitter