Let's face it - we all run for different reasons. Some run for the obvious health benefits, some for the camaraderie, some for the er, girls (or boys). But for a certain competitive segment of the running community, the thrill of the sport has a lot to do with constantly outdoing your personal best.Oftentimes these runners are fast. Faster than you and me.In common running parlance, we often call them "monsters" or "halimaw" - non-elite yet highly competitive runners who take great satisfaction in continually redefining their limits each and every time they race.
This totally unofficial list aims to celebrate and recognize those who are engaged in this perpetual dalliance against time, and who put in the requisite blood, sweat, and tears en route to achieving their respective goals.The best part is - they're not dropping superhuman, Olympic-level times out there. They're ordinary folks like you and me, which means... it can be done!
So what do you get out of it? Nothing really. Pride? Honor? Bragging rights? Googability? And who knows, maybe a fun shirt down the line (hint) (wink) We'll be updating this as the data comes in, and I guess may provide you folks out there with something extra to shoot for.

Monsters are... fun.
As a purely-for-fun undertaking, there's one cardinal requirement aside from posting halimaw-like times - I need to have at least met you once in person, and a little sensible conversation never hurt :) Why? Well how will I get your time then with a certain measure of credibility if you're an, er, complete stranger? It's also in the spirit of fostering this fun community we have. I can't be posting sub-40 times from anonymous entries sent online, in the vernacular baka alamat lang ung PR diba :) If we've met, and your times qualify but you're not on the list leave a comment so I can update it, am not very good with numbers. I know several more who qualify, I just have no way to contact them. By the way, a ladies list is in the works as well so wait up for that as well.
P.S. - Ranking will not include elite runners, running legends or fun people :P Sorry Zorro.

I not happy at all.
So without further ado, here's the inaugural Totally Unofficial GBM Monster List, grouped by distance. Hope you have fun with it! :
5k Monsters :
1. Jon "under160" Trimble - 17:09
2. Graciano "Totoy" Santos - 17:20
3. Mari Javier - 18:xx
4. Edward "Conquer Corregidor" Kho - 19:xx
5. Chris Iblan - 20:00
6. Wilnar Iglesia - 20:36
7. Patrick Alcomendas - 20:58
8. Jixee Lagunda - 21:02
9. Mark "Mark's Vo2" Parco - 21:08
10. Junrox "Tigerboy" Roque - 21:42
11.Dennis "RunningPinoy" Ravanzo - 22:22
12.Natz "i2runner" Garcia - 22:30
13.Alfred "El Kyoshi" De los Reyes - 22:18
14. Jonel "Bugobugo"Mendoza - 22:xx
15.Mark "Running My Mouth" Hernandez - 23:04
16. Brando "Ace" Losaria - 23:33
10k Monsters
1. Jon "under1630" Trimble - 35:51
2. Graciano "Totoy" Santos - 38:14
3. Mari Javier - 38:xx
4. Wilnar Iglesia -42:04
5. Chris Iblan - 42:30
6. Alfred "El Kyoshi" De los Reyes - 42:47
7. Vener "Run Unlimited" Roldan - 42:xx
8. Edward "Conquer Corregidor" Kho - 43:16
9. Jonel "Bugobugo" Mendoza - 43:xx
10. Raymund "Reel Running" Bontol - 44:21
11. Jairuz Agang-ang - 44:25
12.Mark "Mark's Vo2" Parco - 44:43
13.Patrick Alcomendas - 46:53
14. Junrox "Tigerboy" Roque - 46:58
15. Natz "i2runner" Garcia - 47:33
16. Brando "Ace" Losaria - 47:34
17. Piolo "Idol" Pascual - 47:54
18. Dennis "RunningPinoy" Ravanzo - 48:38
19. Jixee Lagunda - 48:51
20. Mark "RunningmyMouth" Hernandez - 49:15
21. Elmer "Life Runner" Ching - 49:43
21. Mccoy Lontoc - 50:xx
22. Raymond de Pana - 50:xx
23. Jinoe "Manokan Runner" Gavan - 52:xx
24. Sam "The Running Ninja" Delena- 53:34
25. Rodel "Argonaut" Cuaton - 53:40
26. Bong "BZ" Zandueta - 54:30
21k Monsters
1. Graciano "Totoy" Santos - 1:21:32
2. Jon "under1630" Trimble - 1:23:41
3. Chris Iblan - 1:27:35
4. Mari Javier - 1:29:xx
5. Gian "Cartgian" Saquilon - 1:31:10
6. Edward "Conquer Corregidor" Kho - 1:32:49
7. Alfred "El Kyoshi" De Los Reyes - 1:39:25
8. Jerry "High Altitude" Karundeing - 1:39:29
9. Mark "Mark's Vo2" Parco - 1:39:38
10. Junrox "Tigerboy" Roque - 1:39:40
11. Jonel "Bugobugo" Mendoza - 1:40:xx
12. Wilnar Iglesia - 1:43:xx
13.Patrick Alcomendas - 1:44:xx
14. Natz "i2runner" Garcia - 1:45:04
15. Raymund "Reel Running" Bontol - 1:50:00
16. Jixee Lagunda - 1:50:23
17. Eric De Belen - 1:55 :xx
18. Bryan "Planet Trumania" Rivera - 1:56:35
19. Sam "The Running Ninja" Delena - 1:56:xx
20. Mark "Running my Mouth" Hernandez - 1:57:31
21. Dennis "Running Pinoy" Ravanzo - 1:58:40
22. Edu "Doods" Fabian - 1:59:xx
42k Monsters
1. Jon "under1630" Trimble - 3:09:39
2. Graciano "Totoy" Santos - 3:19:25
3. Mari Javier - 3:27:xx
4. Edward "Conquer Corregidor" Kho - 3:27:xx
5. Vener "Run Unlimited" Roldan - 3:36:41
6. Wilnar Iglesia - 3:38:16
7. Chris Iblan - 3:39:43
8. Junrox "Tigerboy" Roque - 3:45:06
9. Alfred "El Kyoshi" De los Reyes - 3:49:10
10. Jonel "Bugobugo" Mendoza - 3:53:xx
11. Gian "Cartigian" Saquilon - 3:53:13
12. Natz "i2runner" Garcia : 3:56:53
13. Mark "Mark's Vo2" Parco - 4:07: xx
14. Bryan "Planet Trumania" RIvera - 4:12:xx
15. Dennis "Running Pinoy" Ravanzo - 4:25:59
16. Patrick Alcomendas - 4:32:xx
17. Frederick "Gab" Gabriel - 4:44:xx
18. Dennis "RunningFatboy" Quepe - 4:52:xx
19. Raymund "Reel Running" Bontol - 4:55:57
20. Edu "Doods" Fabian - 4:58:xx
21. Rodel "Argonaut" Cuaton - 4:58:xx