A foggy morning, cold and damp. We head off to Fort Langley, the birthplace of BC. The site of the original Hudson's Bay trading post, and now a national park.
A lovely small town atmosphere permeates this quaint and historic little village. Most of the newer building following guidelines to maintain the continuity. It is a coveted place to live.
We drove by the antique cemetery, with the fog rolling past, perfect for a Halloween month.
There is a restored train station complete with a caboose.
Antique stores abound, with shoes stores, restaurants, coffee shops and churches all lining the streets. You might even recognize the Fort Langley Hall, from various movies on TV.
During my college years I worked weekends at this tiny building, in exchange for watercolor lessons. Every time a train passed by, not further than 3 feet from the walls, I would have to run and grab all the pottery falling off of the shelves.
Fort Langley remains a favorite place for us to slip back into time, and always offers some great photo opportunities.
Powerpuff Boys. TPB. The crew with the can't-miss singlet has steadily garnered a cult ever since a highly controversial runner-up finish during the inaugural Chris Sports Epic Relay 250 Race. In the months that had passed since their cause celebre' , the open-source singlet had become a veritable fan favorite amongst running denizens. Perhaps because of the fun color, but more so because a lot could relate to the scrapping, never-say-die attitude the team exhibited during its maiden campaign.
It's fuchsia. With team running events few and far in between, not a few wondered when the men in fuchsia would ever don their proud colors again. Would they ever get a shot at redemption? Alas, a rare opportunity presented itself - The Fort Running Festival. 30 runners to a team, best cumulative time wins. The yahoogroup immediately went off the hook as the team scrambled to search for possible members, given that the original team only had ten competing members .
In the mold of the original team, the closest thing to a competitive sub-elite team was formed. These are dudes who may not be considered as "elite", yet showcase an advanced level of fitness in consistently placing in the upper percentile of local races. I guess people could relate because you don't have national -team level professionals , but ordinary working people with day jobs who have dedicated themselves to a committed healthy lifestyle. Weeks turned into months amidst numerous roster changes due to a laundry list of reasons. The final lineup comprised of a motley crew of marathoners, ultramarathoners, triathletes, mountaineers, running veterans, greenhorns, and one running ninja. I had quite the experience with the team during our Epic Relay run, certainly one of the highlights of my year. Even if I was one of the central figures in our "controversial" finish, the goodwill generated by the entire experience overshadowed whatever bitterness ensued. That said, I couldn't wait to race with these guys again. Much to my chagrin, it was scheduled on the same day as the Speedo National Age Group Triathlon, which I had been preparing for. So I essentially passed for this race. In yet another twist, registration slots sold out like hotcakes three weeks before, which practically never happens. Thus, I was left without a race! Great. Blessings come when you least expect it though. Regrettably, someone had pulled out from the roster due to injury days before the race, and they were scrambling to find someone on such short notice.
While it's not exactly GBM saves the day, because I'm really just a roster filler, I was overjoyed at the prospect of donning our pink colors once more and just having an awesome time with the gang.
D-Day The team met beforehand for a quick pep talk and to finalize all remaining logistical concerns. We also wore the Adobo Run promotional bibs that our buddies at Paul Calvin's Deli hooked us up with. To quote that dude in Ocean's 13, I felt like I was in a " field of excellence". Some of these guys I had never met before, but I was well aware of their running pedigree. The ones I did know, these were stacked with very strong runners, top-tier stuff. Original TPB members abound too, practically everyone from the Epic Relay campaign was there. As much as the atmosphere was light and relaxed, there was a subtle yet palpable feeling of pressure.
I had to deliver. I couldn't let these guys down. Not while wearing these colors.
And So It Begins The gun went off without any warning, and so were off. I was particularly worried because I have been putting more effort into bike and swim training, and my supposed bread and butter running capabilities were pretty much non-existent. Got to pace with low-key original Takbo.ph moderator and Philippine Blog Award finalist Natz Garcia, one of the strongest runners I know. A past Milo National finalist, his season-long spartan approach to training manifested immediately as I could barely keep up with his machine-like pace. There was jostling on the route, some starting out crazy fast. I was a goner by the 7th kilometer. Gasp. Wheez.
Halfway Mark Settling down to a more comfortable pace, I got to hang on with speedy TPB pioneer Mark Mulder, our short-distance specialist who was making his debut at the pikermi distance. Always helps to have someone act as your metronome, keeps you from slacking off. Entering Bayani and Heritage, we were hanging tough even as a mass of people from another race got us off-tangent for a couple of moments. Note to self: You should go inside Heritage Park more, it's actually beautiful inside. Ran into original TPB skipper Brian Rivera (who regrettably skipped the race due to injury) and Doc Eire there snapping up photos and mouthing words of encouragement to us.
Pain amidst beauty at Heritage for the TPB Boys 3/4 of the way
Last 15k. As me and Mark were laboring on the way back to Bayani Road, I was telling him that if we just gut out that last uphill at the Essensa area, we'd have it made. Silly me. They keep on adding these fun uphills in a never ending variation of all possible Fort Routes. Running on fumes, don't even know how I'm sustaining this. Mark is lagging back a little, from what I would later learn were shin issues. Just a bit more... .
Last Kilometer Surprisingly, I still had some spring in my step, so I was pouring it on with Mark right on my tail. Strong finish, let's go for this. Only, the finish line was coming in too... early. Aww shucks. I clocked in at 1:43 on a 21.3 course, which would have meant a phenomenal 7 minute improvement over my personal best. Extrapolating that pace to the full distance (and there's no doubt in my mind that I could have held it, lowered it even), it would have come out to a high 1:46. Not bad,still a personal best. As much as personal records are nice though, this was one race where the team came first.
Near the chute Vindication, Retribution Though this race lacked the inherent drama of Epic Relay, there still was a lot of suspense with it. As the TPB crew piled in one by one, we had no idea if the aggregate time of the team would be sufficient to win it. Further exacerbating our anxiety was the fact that Running Ninja Sam, a regular sub-2 hour finisher and BDM 102 veteran was racked with cramps somewhere along the route. Tough break. In our heads, our worries about teams making up the distance were only overshadowed by our worries for a fallen comrade.
Time seemed to stand still. Finally, we saw Sam limping through the line in a gutsy 2:30 effort. Cheers abound. Now all we had to do was wait for the official announcement.
I was chatting with Abby when suddenly I heard awards host DJ Chloe of 94.7 call out the winners of the team event ... .
Oh my. Bedlam ensued. Suddenly, 30 pastel-decked guys were rushing the stage like a victorious soccer team at the World Cup. It was noisy. Very noisy. I honestly thought the stage would give way. Celebration indeed! It was particularly sweet for the pioneer Epic Relay team , who not only lost the championship under highly questionable circumstances, but also saw our runner-up finish completely unacknowledged . At least for one fine day, we were champions. Indeed, victory is sweet.
And in deference to a completely forgotten aspect of racing, something had slipped our mind, because it's usually reserved for the pros - we had won something! In this case, cash! A cool P15,000! Ah. The spoils of war.
Beep Beep can't take his eyes off the prize
We win at last.
Post-race breakfast at Paul Calvin's
Victory celebration at Joey Pep and launching of dri-fit TPB shirts
They say life goes around in karmic cycles. I guess this race is a prime example. Thank you to all those who have supported us through our ups and downs, we truly appreciate it. As for the team, it was an honor racing with you guys. I wonder where the next adventure will take us?
Wherever it may be, I'm pretty sure the boys in fuchsia will be ready for it.
Busy weekend for all of us! It's one of those weekends that so many big events were held concurrently. Running denizens were divided amongst the Cebu International Marathon, Subic International Marathon, Fat Ass 24-hour run, and the 2011 Bull Run. With a veritable smorgasbord of choices, let's see how everybody fared with these different runs.
I wonder how SIM 2011 fared this year? Among the people I knew, only Endure Multisport star Erick Guieb joined this one, and last I heard he was gunning for a modest below 5-hour finish. But knowing him, he probably did it in 3:45. Lol.
I was part of it in 2009, running the 10k Nike Human Race (where I placed 13th) and the 21k race (where I ran with Tito Caloy) Sigh, how time flies so fast. Internet Legend Tito Caloy has since gone back to the professional competitive drinking circuit, he missed it too much. Came in to the scene too late to know who he is? Google google google.
Those were the days...
Back to his first love.
In related news, SIM was also memorable for me because I ran into Ultramarathoner Abby on the way there at Kenny Rogers along NLEX. It was the first time I had seen her in years. Who would have known... ... .. :P Uuuy.
Our first ever picture together hihi.
Back to SIM , that was also memorable because we were doing support for the marathoners and water ran out as early as 18k along the route. A trip down memory lane : Craig Logan was pushing Justin and collapsed. Rico sacrificed his race and rushed him to the hospital. Argow was overcome with emotion as his first marathon was marred by a lack of adequate water.There was a screaming mob afterwards, as a result there was TOO much hydration the day after for the 21k race. Fun.
It's howkay, we got your back. Hug.
As expected, the Kenyans dominated this year's race with Vertek opting to compete in the 21k, eventually winning it. When will we ever have someone else other than Vertek to chase down these dudes?Can Cris Sabal hold his own? Someone give me data please. Winning time of 2:23 probably wasn't even close to their best.
Sometimes, I just realized that if I were a girl, I would be a very fast girl. A very fast, tall, and fugly one with hairy legs at that.
Congratulations to all who joined Cebu. Wonderfully organized race, I ran the inaugural edition last year and gave it rave reviews . It was as if the entire city was in synergy for one dynamic event. Haide Acuna, Doc Bontol, John Pages and the rest of the Cebu gang no doubt contribute to the robust running community they have over there, and this race is a succinct reflection of that. Only downside - you'll probably have too much fun with it that you might end up getting drunk and messing up your race. Not guilty as charged. Pockets of Endure, ANR and TPB people were there, tell us all about how it went! I have no doubt it was an awesome race as always.
Last year with Cebu running celeb/BDM 102 batchmate Haide
Cheering on Takbo.ph boss Jinoe on his first marathon
The Fat Ass Run has long been some sort of an urban legend amongst ultra running folk, and I remember when quintessential ultraman Atty. Jon Lacanlale started it a couple years back. Back then, it didn't really garner that much attention save for a few hard core crazies. I had always wanted to run this, but for some reason it always worked against my schedule. So I was pleasantly surprised that it seemed that 1 in every 4 people seemed to be headed to Clark for it. If I'm not mistaken, you can run in 12 and 24 hour increments. Damn right it's crazy. Among the notables, BR did a leisurely 54k in about 8 hours, Frontrunner EIC/ Hardcore chief Jonel did an inhuman 121k in nearly 22 hours, and Albert "Run2dmoon" Salazar emerged this year's Fat Ass King with nearly 140k over 24 hours. Wow.
Jonel overcome with emotion at his "graduation" after running for 22 hours.
While I'm having the time of my life being a spectator/heckler here, I shudder to think that I'll be running 160 kms in a little over a month. Ayayay.
Don't you find it ironic that the people who join Fat Ass don't have anything close to resembling a fat ass? In fact, I have a sneaky suspicion that after running for 24 hours, they may not even have an ass at all.
Of the all the aforementioned races, the one I did join was the one closest t0 home, the 2011 Bull Run at BGC (yes, I'm hip like that. Fort? Ano yun?). Fresh from winning the team championship at Fort Running Festival, Team Powerpuff Boys (affectionately known as TPB or "those pink guys") decided to take a stab at the team competition once more with momentum on our side. I got to train once with the gang, and if before I felt we were on a somewhat parallel fitness level, their resolute dedication to training has reaped incredible dividends. Being engrossed into establishing some semblance of a multisport base, I simply couldn't hack the aggressive programs I used to pull off. The disparity was blatantly obvious. My guys (no homo) simply ripped the course apart en route to the team snagging 1st place in the team category once more. Our goal was at the very least 1:20, and everybody did way better than that. Notable performances included Chris Iblan running an inhuman 1:03 ( 3:58 pace for 16k??) and Brandow snagging a 1:13 (wild 4:34 pace) . As for myself, I served as the weak link, checking it a lame 1:21:15, 5:04 pace which ordinarily would have been fast but these guys put that to shame. I need to ramp up my running, the boys are tearing it up there.
TPB with, er, fans :P
Posing at the awarding "Bb. Pilipinas" style.
Mary Anne Ringor usually does a good job at organizing, last year was pretty good. This year,epic fail at the 16k gun going off ten minutes early. It was supposed to start at 5:45 as was announced in the published material. We were at the corral already, and me Jix and Nick took a leak thinking there was more than ample time to get back. Much to our chagrin the gun went off as we were on the way back. We're vets at this, and it's really no big deal even if wading through hundreds of 10k runners and the back end of the 16k pack was draining. Still, it would be nice if we could keep to the published start times.
Double fail to the drivers along the Makati ave intersection who kept on impatiently honking their horns. You see there's a race going on, a little consideration wouldn't hurt. Highly indicative of our mentality, in other countries people on the road would actually cheer runners on. Hay nako.
Fail to Accel gels. Gu didn't have any chocolate variants, so we decided to give it a go. Tasted good, but I don't think it helped me one bit. In short, it was so bad that even the placebo didn't work. Shucks.
Tip of the week : 1 pound lost = 12 seconds faster in a 10k run. Lose 10 lbs, that's 2 minutes off your time!
Pilipinas Cycling League's season opener, a century race in Jala-Jala commences in Jan 23, Endure Multisport is competing. I'm antsy, haven't had a good road ride since my crash. Pray pray pray.
It's BDM test run season, and I'm pretty much missing all . Why? For the simple reason that I plan to race Condura 42k. I have a friendly bet with bossing Jonel because he's doing the test runs. If he still manages to outrun me it's Mcdo breakfast time. Juicy. :P
That's all for this week folks! Good job on your races and see you on the road!
Last Sunday, all roads led to The Fort as the heavily anticipated New Balance Power Race was finally coming to fruition. Ondoy's onslaught had postponed the race from it's original Sept.27 playdate, and this gave me an opportunity to get myself a slot. As some of you may know, much to my chagrin I had missed the original registration cut, which then compelled me to make the infamous "Hitler finds out he didn't make it to New Balance" video.
I approached the race with a lot of enthusiasm as I would be joining a pace group for the first time ever. This emanated from a conversation on the Takbo.ph shoutbox, which sort of went like this :
GBM : Target ko mga 1:55 ayos nako dun. 1:57 ung PR ko, medjo sagad na. VVinceth: Kaya yan sub 1:50. 1:45 pa nga. Even splits lang tayo, 5:10 pace lang yan!jix_jixee : Uy ayos yan sama ako!markhernz: Ganun ba? Kaya yan! Game! TheRunningNinja: Game ako kahit saan, walang inuurungan!GBM: !!!!!!
Meet the Gang And thus, this ragtag pace group was born. I was hoping that running within a field of excellence, I would be prevailed upon to deliver a performance far beyond the realm of my capabilities. Hence, without further ado, let me introduce you to the members of my NB PAce Group :
Pat aka VVinceth/ The Running Safety Pin
With Bunnyyy Our de facto anchor, Pat is easily the fastest and best-credentialed runner within the group. 45 minute 10k's and sub 1:45 minute 21k's are a relative walk in the park for him. It was with his relative optimism that we were actually enjoined to gun for a time that seemed to be way beyond my capabilities. Likes long walks on the beach and bunnies.
Jix aka Jix_Jixee Another known Takbo.ph speedster whose relative pace is always about 5 minutes faster than my own, it is intended that his speedy ways would tow us to victory specially in the latter stages. His favorite movie is "The Notebook", and has an inherent dislike for Piolo that science alone could not explain.
He not likey Piolo either... Mark aka Markhernz/Running my Mouth In just a few short months, this naturally athletic dude has not only jumped from a 5k to a full marathon, but has posted times most people only dream of in their lifetime. He has a penchant for not finding baggage counters, and is a full-blooded Lasallian (useless trivia)
Masel Man Mark Sam aka TheRunningNinja If other pace groups have celebrities like Jaime Zobel deAyala or Tessa Prieto, we have our own celebrity! And he is none other than... Sam the Running Ninja! One of the most recognizable faces in the blogosphere, it never hurts to have him around :P He likes fast cars, and doesn't like motorcycles, hospitals, and Gas station restrooms.
Celebrity Ninja
Starting Corral Excitement was milling at the starting corral as the 21k runners were herded en masse. I was quite happy that Extribe was enforcing the "no check-in, no-entry rule", much in the same way that Condura does it. This makes for a much more orderly assembly. +1 brownie point to them. As Mark, Sam, and myself squeezed ourselves towards the front of the pack, we realized that Pat and Jix would be banditing the race. Sweet.
Brownie point! Fun Starting Um, Horn? As people were revving up for the starting gun, the runners spontaneously burst into laughter as the start of the race was ushered in by... a foghorn. Ooooh. Good vibes.
Foghorns = Quick Laughs
A Blistering Start The first 10k was highlighted by Pat's even split strategy reaping dividends for our group, as we covered the first 10k below 50 minutes. This had me questioning my positive splitting ways, as I essentially achieved the same result - without feeling like dying after. We gradually lost track of Mark after the 6k point, and Sam was startling the crap out of us with his "fartlek-the-hills-then-grunt-like-the-Olympic-hammer-throw-champion strategy". Apparently, this primal act (like any other) zaps the energy out of even the best of them, and by the 10th kilometer turnaround our celebrity buddy had dropped behind, leaving Pat, Jix, and myself to carry the cudgels for our group.
Primal screams... are fun.
Surpise Surprise!
In a minor shocker, speedy Jix was fading badly at the onset of the Bayani Road inclines. When one of your best runners starts to labor with the route, oftentimes your thought process would get inundiated with self-doubt. Hey, if he's fading, I've got to be next. Which brings us to the next portion of this paragraph, the "Why Did Jixee Fade At NB" contest.
Could it be :
1. He had a hot date the night before who made him mutter "Running Sux" 100 times 2. His date promised him "favors" if he accomplished #1 while finishing an entire bottle of Patron in less than 30 minutes 3. In offering the proverbial olive branch, Piolo offered to hook him up with his Kapamilya friends if he stopped pacing this GBM character, if only to make his future 21k target a lot easier.
Send in your entries, correct answer gets a prize. I'll ask Jixee the answer... ... .tomorrow.
Piolo has done it again!
And Then There Were TwoWith Jix gone, it was up to me and Pat to navigate the course. Having ran with Pat numerous times in the past, including the Botak Ultramarathon, this was not unfamiliar territory. As pacers go, it's terrific to have someone like the Energizer Bunny to drag you along when you're starting to slack off. The heat was starting to set in, and I needed all of the help that I could get.
Keeps going... . and going... and going... .All By Myself... . Heading up to somewhere around the 13th or 14th km, cruise control mode was suddenly jarred when Ultraman Pat said "Una ka na". I thought, this was bordering on absurdity. No way Pat could fade, I mean, this is a guy that eats 100k for breakfast. I comforted myself in thinking this was a ploy with deeper profound meaning. In retrospect, I should have kept in mind that Pat was tapering for his Singapore marathon the following week. But at that point, with the heat of the sun beating down on me, this took me off my game plan. I had my work cut out for me then.
What's up Master Pat's sleeve?The Exag Hills From that point on, I would only see Pat one more time. He would fartlek to me, then fade back. Still no idea why he was doing that at the time. But i was steeling myself for the long haul. We had built enough of a cushion that I was on pace for a 1:49 or 1:50 finish if I kept my act together. But then... . the hills happened. Wow. These people know their stuff. What were they thinking?
Cut scene to Extribe Route Formulation Meeting over drinks
Extribe Person #1 : Why not at the end, let's add one loop around Mckinley? Drunk Extribe Person #2 : Weeeeeh. That's sooooo generic. Make it two! Bwahahahaah. Sadistic and Drunk Extribe Person # 3 : Whatever! I ain't running anyway! I hate athletic people! Make it three! Bwahahahahaahah! Chorus: Bwahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!
Scene at Extribe before finalizing race routeSo to make a long story short, they saved the hardest part of the race for last. We did practically three loops around that hilly area in Mckinley stretching to the British embassy and Enderun. Ugh. Under the beating heat of the sun,I surrendered three fat mid-6ish splits towards the end, and our hard-built lead was gone. Thankfully, it was still still substantial enough to snag me a 1:54:01 finish, good enough for a new 21k PR and 111th place amongst a very tough field of more than a 1,000 half-marathon runners. If we had hit out target 1:50 or below, that would have been good enough for somewhere around 70th place. As I said, tough crowd... because at QCIM my 1:57 was good for 47th place. More training! :)
Exhausted Gingerbread folk near the finish courtesy of the irrepresible BR blog Overall, kudos to Extribe for a good, albeit sadistic job on this race.Seriously though, I had no complaints whatsoever, this was as good as it gets in terms of race organization. Better known for their multisport events, Extribe is slowly building strong brand equity in the running scene. All of their races that I have ran so far have been very good. I know there was a slight snafu with the 10k route, a mystery that has since been solved. With all things said and done, I'm pretty sure good ol' Hitler is churning in his grave now for missing one heck of a race. :P
G ingerbreadman closed his email with a weird feeling in his stomach. No, it wasn't that. It was an invite. To a presser. What an honor. Thus, in spite of his heavy workday which included a marathon 3-hour meeting, being suspected of being a student insurgent at the Malacanang gates and giving a 2 hour speech to 500 people (only one is made up, and it's not what you think), he went on to Megamall to roll the dice, eagerly anticipating the thrill of a fresh experience in his life away from the corporate bustle.
ADB Avenue, 6:10 pm Oh boy. So the secret's out eh. They've been mumbling about this for like a month now. And now it could be said. What the big deal? Here's the big deal, and I've been getting snippets of this here and there. Apparently, it's called the Kenny's Open 2009 Urbanite Run. U rbanite? Urban? Hmmm. Nite? They need a copy-editor. Maybe they could hire me. But then again I hate copy editing. So this is THE event. In partnership with Takbo.ph of course. The one we've been hearing for like... forever. Oh boy Jinoe made me a moderator. What an honor. Ranks up there with the time that I took 3rd place in our quiz bee as a 4th grader. So what if only three showed up! There was a big storm that day and... Oh crap the MMDA dudes are flagging me down for coding. Goodbye 100 bucks.
Not Cool!
GBM arrived at the designated venue 5 minutes early, still smarting from being divested ofP100 by the very people who were tasked to make our streets a better place. The anxiety of being alone amidst the more senior members of the runner/ blogger community dissipated as he saw a familiar face in Doc Lyndon aka Malmonmd. He remembered how Doc had warmly welcomed him at the Condura CLP as a newbie, made him feel like he belonged. I'll pay homage to the gesture one day to a nervous newbie when I'm in a position of seniority. But at this particular juncture, at this precise time and place - he was the newbie once more. Doc's amiable demeanor jostled him from his daydreams. Queenie is there. BR was there awhile ago, he just went out. Go inside and make yourself comfy. BR? Bald Runner? THE Bald Runner? If that was a portent of things to come, this was going to be a good night.
Doc Lyndon with his beautiful familyI am with Legends Upon entering, a throng of familiar and not-so-familiar faces greeted his entrance. Looking around, he surveyed the scene in earnest anticipation as his underlying excitement was nearing its zenith. The venue isn't enclosed. I hope we could hear one another amidst this mad, rush hour dinner crowd. Friendly faces abound. Takbo.ph elite idol Vener,also known in blogging parlance as Run Unltd. was there. One day I hope to be as fast as him. Okay maybe not. But still, I appreciate that he was at that finish line when I finished that insane 50k Ultra. ( Editor's Note : Yes, I owe you an entry on that epic life experience and yes I'll get to it once I finish the things that I need to do. Things that, uh, actually pay me money. I need to feed my family, put food on the table. Or maybe I just need the money to buy running thingamajigies) Trail runner extraordinaire/overall nice guy/foodie connoisseur Sir Rene aka The JazzRunner was there, exchanging niceties and running stories as they eventually settled on being "seatmates" for the duration of the presser. A small group was formed at one of the tables., members of the running blogosphere no doubt. A quick glance showedthat one of them was Vimz aka Kulit on the Run . While he was always a fan of her site and layout, as much as he wanted to say "hi" his inherent Gingerbread nature dictated him to lean towards the "shy" end of the spectrum.At least for the first 5 minutes. There were also Roselle The Running Diva and Bards of BananaRunning sightings. From the Takbo.ph ranks, Coach/Mod Pojie was indisposed and couldnt make it. 5k pacer/motivational speaker Rico of Sheer Will fame was running late. Boss Jinoe was apparently stuck in traffic. But the real treat was yet to come. Two running luminaries , veritable legends in the field were in the house. And our protagonist was reduced to a blubbering piece of blubber.
Sir Rene and Vener
Queenie, Roselle, Vener, and Bards Unbelievable. I finally got to talk to the irrepressible Bald Runner . Sir Jovie himself. He's a really nice guy. You'd think he'd have a gruff military guy vibe. But he's really cool. Gave me a ton of tips on how to recover from an ultramarathon, and how to increase my speed. I'm glad he likes my work. That just inspires me to write more and spend less time on my day job! (alt tabs to "Communications Strategy 2009" as boss passes by) Whew. Anyway, another tremendous experience was to meet race walk legend /shipping magnate/big hearted nice guy Sir Amado Castro, who's also known for his popular Reinier6666 blog. Handshakes, warm exchanges ensued. I'm really touched by his kind words for our blog, as well as his unending support in helping our running community , the Takbo.ph Aid Station during the Botak ultra a prime example. Sigh, a good day indeed.
Photo-op to remember The Grub Before the Storm, 7:30 pm Without any trepidation, the Jazzrunner ordered a bountiful feast fit for a, er, hungry blogger. No further elaboration required.
Yum. Nuff Said. Presser Proper, 7:45 The briefing was led by agency rep/ DLSU alum Denise and fun guy/Finish Line head honcho Vince Mendoza. Coach Rio soon followed suit, presumably to help out with the question and answer portion. The concept was novel. The first ever night run with a disposable timing chip system is to be launched. Side events to follow. Coolpix capable. Glow in the dark bracelets. Refletorized bibs. Double the marshals.Free food when you register. Help out a wonderful cause. What more do you need to know?
No mic, no prob for Denise
There it is
Amazing how Vince does that hand gesture
Coach clarifying things during Q&A
This presentation is cool. Even without a mic! Oh there's a mic now! Just in time for the closing remarks! BR is asking about the security issues since it's a night run. It's been prevalent nowadays, you know. Oh god did I just do a Pacquiao. Anyway, it's admirable how Vince and Coach Rio handle his queries, and it's also admirable how Sir Jovie volunteered Team BR to help out with security. That right there is the spirit of volunteerism that we should espouse amongst oursleves, if only to give back to our community. Okay, so everything is working out great except that... oh lord I forgot to take notes! How am I supposed to write about this thing? Guesswork? Can I just make it up? Oh shoot. Hmm.. I know... why not we tap our ET running buddies from The Collective to get me back in time and get me that info. ... ... ... .. Okay that sure was fast. Run Strong and Prosper my preternatural friends. So here's what we got...
Now, Kenny Rogers is taking another leap forward in its dedication to health - one that is bound shake up a storm! It is with great pride that we present: The Kenny’s Open 2009 Urbanite Run ! On August 15 th at 8:00 p.m. , at Bonifacio Global City in the Fort, a truly one-of-a-kind run will take place. And as the name suggests, The Kenny’s Open Urbanite Run will happen at night!
With an advanced timing chip system to record runners’ progress and distances of 5/10/15 kilometers, the Urbanite Run is designed especially for the young and young at heart of the Metro. Participants 18 years old and above are eligible to sign up!
Joining is easy. Simply stop over at any Kenny Rogers Roasters branch or the new Kenny’s Roast and Grill restaurant at the Powerplant and purchase the Urbanite Run Ticket to Eat, Run and Donate your way to fitness! Registration can be done manually or via online & mobile through www.kennys.com.ph.
1. The Kenny’s Open 2009 Urbanite Run will be held on August 15, 2009 (Saturday) at The Fort. Official call time will be at 8:00pm .
2. The run will a cco mmodate a total of 3,000 runners, 18 YO and above, with divisions of 5, 10, and 15 kilometer distances.
1. Purchase the Urbanite Run Ticket
a. To join the Kenny’s Open 2009 Urbanite Run, interested participants must purchase an Urbanite Run Ticket for P600 at any Kenny Roger’s Roasters branch or the new Kenny’s Roast and Grill restaurant at the Powerplant.
b. Interested participants may also purchase the Urbanite Run ticket through the web or on their mobile phones by visiting www.kennys.com.ph . An electronic claim voucher will be issued to registrants to claim their Urbanite Run Ticket at any Kenny Roger’s Roasters branch or the new Kenny’s Roast and Grill restaurant at the Powerplant.
Urbanite Run Tickets will entitle participants to:
a. Eat: Bearers are entitled to an Urbanite meal from Kenny Rogers. Simply present the Urbanite Run Ticket at any Kenny Rogers branch to claim the Urbanite meal. Redemption period from July 15 to Aug. 15, 2009 .
b. Run: The Urbanite Run Ticket will serve as the runner’s registration voucher, to be attached to their registration form, if they register manually. See below for registration details.
c. Donate: Serve as runner’s donation to Hands On Manila Foundation. On the day of the run, bearers are to drop the “Donate” portion of their Urbanite Run Tickets at the designated box on-site.
2. Register for the Run
Registration will be from July 15 to August 11, 2009 .
Participants may register online or through designated registration sites. For other details, please contact Vince Mendoza at (632) 7031736.
a. Online Registration Process
a. Interested participants are to log on to www.kennys.com.ph , click on the “Events” tab, follow the Urbanite Race link, and register their details online.
b. Once registered, participants must submit their details and settle payment via credit card/ GCash or ATM.
c. An electronic claim voucher will be issued to registrants to claim their Urbanite Run Ticket at any Kenny Roger’s Roasters branch or the new Kenny’s Roast and Grill restaurant at the Powerplant.
d. Participants may also choose to have their race kits delivered at a minimal cost. Delivery address to be indicated in the online registration form.
e. Confirmation email will be sent to the participant’s email within 24 hours upon online payment.
b. Registration thru designated registration sites.
a. Interested participants must go to the available Finishline Registration booths at the four (4) pre-identified marathons:
i. 2 nd GIG Run, UP Diliman
ii. Milo Manila Elimination, Luneta Grandstand
iii. Robinson’s Fit & Fun Wellness Buddy Ru, NBC Tent
iv. Globe Run For Home on July 19 at The Global City, Fort Bonifacio , Taguig City
b. Interested participants may also register their details at Nike Park and Runnr and claim race materials on-site.
c. Manual registration will also be available to last-minute participants on the night of the run – within 1hr before call time.
1. Call time
On the night of the run, participants must arrive at 8:00 pm. Assembly and gun start times of each division are as follows:
Gun Start
8:30PM (TBC)
8:45PM (TBC)
9:00PM (TBC)
2. Prizes
a. The following cash prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place finishers of each division, to be awarded after the run finishes.
5 Kilometers
10 Kilometers
15 Kilometers
1 st Place
Php 5,000
Php 5,000
Php 5,000
Php 5,000
Php 5,000
Php 5,000
2 nd Place
Php 3,000
Php 3,000
Php 3,000
Php 3,000
Php 3,000
Php 3,000
3 rd Place
Php 2,000
Php 2,000
Php 2,000
Php 2,000
Php 2,000
Php 2,000
b. Employees of Roasters Group Inc., Bates141 Philippines, Zenith Optimedia including their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from winning the cash prizes.
3. Event Activities
At the end of the run, participants will be invited to relax to a concert of Tribo Manila and purchase their Urbanite dinners at discount.
4. Security Measures
a. Stationary marshals at different points along the run route, approximately 100-150 meters apart or at strategic areas.
b. Roving marshals in motorcycles to tail and keep runners in line.
c. Police marshals and traffic enforcer group will direct traffic and to ensure runners will not be approached by onlookers.
d. Roving police escorts as added security measure.
e. Perimeter barricading at the start/finish line to keep runners assembled properly.
f. Roving security designated at the parking area.
5. Safety Measures
a. Runners to wear illuminated bib numbers and glow bracelets for easy tracking.
b. The marathon route will also contain “reflectorized” cones and signages to ensure the clarity of the track
c. Perimeter lighting will be placed around the run route every 50 meters or so.
d. In case of emergency, two (2) ambulances will be on standby with a dedicated first aid station at the event grounds.
e. All runners are entitled to insurance coverage worth Php 100,000.00 with Php 10,000.00 medical reimbursement.
The Takbo.ph boys full of ribs and chix So as the presscon drew to a close, new friends were made and old ones were reinforced. Close encounters of the running legend kind never hurt the Gingerbread folk as well. There was an air of great anticipation for this one-of-a-kind event. So as GBM started to head for the exits, he was stopped by a familair foil... .. Rico : Hey Gingerbread creature! GBM : Uh, hi boss. Rico: How are your knees? GBM : I can walk now boss... Rico: Great great. You owe me for that 5k. If not for me you would be frothing in the mouth in that unknown UP place! GBM: Mosr probably boss. No worries, if ever they do a bromance movie on my life, you will be the lead. Rico: How flattering. ANyway, business first. Where's my GC? GBM: What GC? Rico: Duh THE LEVI's GC for your fraudulent "contest" ! GBM: Oh yeah that... . Rico: I should report you to the blogging ADBOARD ! Shameless Blog Promotion! GBM: Uh, boss... Rico: Yes? What? I should... WOAH! YAY! It's True ! It wasn't a sham! My precious GC's! YEBAHHH!
It pays to be a Levi's wenner Wonderful event. Great People. Good food. Come to think of it... It was a good night indeed.
Just came in the mail, unique and definitely lung busting race. The last time something similar was organized, if I remember correctly runners were running up and down the Enterprise Tower in Ayala. This time, Discovery Channel and Bonifacio Global City are putting up a 5o and 100 floor races at the E-Services Tower this Saturday at the Fort.
In order to ensure that no one drops dead from exhaustion, they even put in quirky rules like those joining the 100 floor race must have sub-40 times for the guys and sub 50 for the girls. Good luck in finding sub-elite runners willing to blow their quads over 100 floors for P25,000. and a chance to win a car :P
Anyway, if this race strikes your fancy I have two free race kits for you guys. This is a "contest", although I'm usually terrible with these things. So if you have nothing better to do on Saturday and would like a freebie race, here are the mechanics :
1. Follow me on Twitter. 2. Add me on Facebook ( if you haven't already) :3. Leave a comment on this post telling me you've done the above, and tell us what you think is the most challenging aspect of racing up a building.
4. In the event that this contest sucks out and no one joins, first two people who post win. Or I can sell these kits on the street takatak boys style.
5. I'll notify you by Facebook or Twitter if you won, and we can discuss how you can pry them away from me. (that's why you need to add or follow me.)
Deadline is Thursday 9 pm. That's all! Good luck!
Juicy freebie kits. Here are some more details on the race, if you don't know it already.
Run Details: 1. After the horn is blown, runners starting at Rizal Drive (the street fronting the Bonifacio e-Services Building) turn right to 3rd Street and then turn left to enter the building from the parking entrance up to the 1st floor ramp. (distance: 160 meters) 2. Runners will run up to the 9th floor using the ramp throughout. (distance: 1,090 meters) At the 9th floor they proceed to the stairwell and negotiate the stairs up to 25th floor where their split times are taken before they go in the opposite stairwell. (distance: 300 steps + 37 meters) 3. Overtaking shall be on the right side when going up the stairs. 4. Runners will run down 25 floors (distance: 407 steps) and go out to the lobby, then get out of the building (distance:15 meters) 5. At the street fronting the building (Rizal Drive), runners turn right to 30th Street and upon reaching the first corner, turn left to Third Street and run a stretch of the Third Avenue and turn left for the finish.(distance: 300 meters) 6. Overtaking shall be on the left side when going down the stairs. 7. FOR SAFETY PURPOSES: NO LIQUID SHALL BE ALLOWED INSIDE THE STAIRWELL. THE WATER STATIONS WILL BE LOCATED AT THE START AND FINISH AREAS ONLY. However, the Century runners may take water at the corner of the Rizal Drive and 3rd Street going into their second half of the run. 8. There will be three medical stations: at 1) 9th floor, 2) 25th floor and 3) finish area. There will be two ambulances: at 1) 9th floor and 2) opposite side of the entrance to the parking area of the Bonifacio e-Services Building. 9. Runners’ times will be flashed at the finish. But the top 3 winners in both men’s and women’s divisions of the half-century and century run will be officially declared only after the last runner has crossed the finish line. 10. From time to time, the progressive ranking of the runners (the top three runners after the first heat and the subsequent heat) shall be announced. 11. Finisher’s medal and other giveaways can be picked up near the stage at the parking lot in front of the building.
Came into the mail again, tried snagging a compli kit to give away to you guys but the agency gal flat out ignored it when I brought it up lol.Like, GBM : Sure sure I'll post it. Also, if you have a compli kit to give away to our readers we could make a promo out of itPR Agency Gal : Thanks for the response. Please see the attached details of the Mchappy day Fun Run for your reference. Thank you!Lol, was I corresponding with an automated robot? I find that really cute.
Anyway, cheap thrills race here, and the chance to ham it up with Ronald Mcdonald and Grimace (I wonder what the drag on that guy is. Wait, is he even a guy??)
Last year's edition said that a ton of freebies were given away. Here are the details :
This November, McDonald’s is celebrating McHappy Day. McHappy Day, formerly known as World Children’s Day, is a global fundraising effort in support of various children’s causes. In the Philippines, McDonald’s celebrates McHappy Day with its 2nd McHappy Day Fun Run this coming November 28 at the Venice Piazza at McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig.
The McHappy Day Fun Run is a special run to raise P1million for the benefit of the Ronald McDonald House Charities(RMHC), the charity of choice of McDonald’s and its banner program, Bright Minds Read (BMR). Bright Minds Read is a program in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) that provides reading toolkits to different public schools all over the country to help students learn beginning reading. To date, over 2,200 public schools nationwide are under the BMR program.
Fun Run Details:
Distances: 500m for kids 7 years old and below, 3K, 5K and 10K. There will be a Family Category in the 3K distance - to qualify, the group or family should be composed of 2 Adults (regardless of gender) and 2 Kids (12 years and younger).
Registration Period: October 15 to November 21, 2010 at McDonald’s stores listed below:
Makati: Bankmer, Buendia, Greenbelt, JAKA, Makati Ave. People Support, PRC, Quad, Rockwell, SM Cyber, SM Makati, Valero. Mandaluyong: Barangka, Edsa Boni, SM Megamall. Manila: Gov Forbes, P Campa, UST. Muntinlupa: Alabang, Las Pinas. Parañaque: Sucat Palanyag. Pasay: ECOM. Pasig: Annex Shaw (WWC), El Pueblo, Frontera Verde, Shangri-la, Shell Emerald, Strata. QC: Banaue, C5 Metropoli, Eastwood Mall, Edsa Panay, Katipunan, Matalino, North Ave., Proj 8, Quezon Ave., SM North Edsa, Timog Tobias, Tomas Morato, Trinoma 1, Trinoma 2, Visayas Ave. San Juan: Greenhills. Taguig: 32nd Street, Forbes Town, Market! Market!, McKinley, Piazza Mall.
Registration Fee (non-refundable): Individual – P350; Group of 4 – P1,250. Any individual excess of 4 will pay P350 each. Proceeds of the Run will go to RMHC.
Registration Fee Includes:
- McHappy Day Fun Run Race Kit: 1 Race Bib (4 Bibs per race Kit for Family Category), McHappy Day Reminders with Route Map
Hey boys and girls! Been out of circulation for a bit, but contrary to popular belief no I have not retired to some Caribbean Island. Or got married. Anyway, got this awhile back from my buddy/coach Ed Kho and figured it was a worthy cause. It's called The Bottle Run, and the run is actually er, this weekend. And you have until, um, tomorrow to register (wow, breaking news. Yeah, I know. Sorry na.)
It's for a worthy cause!The guy behind it is Iliac Diaz, he of the chick-flick/serial romantic genre of the 90's. He has this crazy idea to build a school using bottles to help Ondoy/Ketsana/Pepeng victims. What? Bottles? Into a school? But hey, after his parlay as the local version of Dermot Mulroney (Google lang katapat niyan) the guy actually went out and got an Ivy League education. So he most probably knows what he's talking about.
It's his first movie!
If I did this pose I'd probably look gay. In all seriousness though, it is a mighty good cause, and there's still time to register! You guys have today and tomorrow! Have fun with it and help rebuild lives in the process!Oh, did I forget to mention you guys are encouraged to bring bottles during the race? Here's the official presser.
The BottleSchool Run
Runners Could Be Advocates
Last year, a million young school children’s education was disrupted and about 2,800 pre-school classrooms were destroyed due to the typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng.
This year, through the pioneering efforts and innovative solutions of MYSHELTER spearheaded by the country’s noted social entrepreneur Illac Diaz, a one-of-kind run-for-a-cause dubbed as The Bottle School Run will be staged at BonifacioGlobalCity on June 13. All proceeds of this noteworthy race will be used to replace and rebuild a damaged school in Taguig using a ground-breaking architectural model – school classrooms mainly made of soda PET bottles.
Now, runners of all persuasions are invited to actively take part in a unique racing event to create a community-based, people-empowered solution which starts with building ecologically-sound and architecturally-revolutionary classrooms for children aspiring to pursue a path of literacy and knowledge.
The Bottle School Run is a distinctive race for seasoned and beginner runners, alike, as it provides them an opportunity to become advocate runners who could champion an honest cause, a solution that can change the world. It sets a symbolic backdrop where the chase of each participant runners for individual personal record enables beneficiary children chase their dream of obtaining education.
Registration for The Bottle School Run starts on May 29, Saturday and lasts until June 11, Friday. Registration centers are:
Planet Sports Trinoma (1pm to 8pm)
Planet Sports Alabang (1pm to 8pm)
New Balance Glorietta (1pm to 8pm)
Taguig City – Fort Bonifacio Satellite Office, 3rd Flr, Market! Market! (9am to 5pm)
Distance categories are 3k, 5k, and 10k. Registration fees are P200 for 3k, and P300 for 5k and 10k. All participating runners are requested to bring two bottles with a 1.5 or 2 liter size of any soda brand on race day. Gunstart times are 5:30am (10k), 5:45am (5k), and 6:00am (3k).
For further race details, please visit www.bottleschoolproject.org. Inquiries may be directed to thebottleschoolrun@gmail.com or to Liza Fumar, Co-lead, TheBottle School Run, through 0927 284 54 36. Alternatively, interested parties may contact Edward Kho, Race Director, through 0915-9990187.
Cebu City Marathon 21k (30th) : 1:50:43 PSE Bull Run 10k - DNS Condura Skyway Marathon 42k (280th) - 4:56:03 Bataan Death March 102k Ultramarathon (82nd) - 17:35:53 National Geographic Earth Day Run 10k (17th) - 49:24 Asian Hospital RunNew 10k (25th) - 53:14 San Mig Coffee Bay Run 10k (10th) - 47:01 HP Fun Run 6k (1st) - 28:03 Chris Sports Epic Relay 250k (2nd) - 23:13:00 New Balance Nuvali Adventure Trail Run 15k (307th) - 3:04:23 35th Milo Marathon Eliminations 21k (45th) - 1:50:51 Powerade Duathlon Leg 2 (86th, 16th in age group) - 1:56:29 Takbo.ph Anniversary Runfest (21st, 7th in age group) - 46:32 Dean's Cup Invitational Triathlon - (56th, 9th in age group) - 1:54:15 7-Eleven Tour 500 - 3:27:28 Sonshine Cycling Festival Criterium - DNF, outlapped after 35 mins. Fort Running Festival 21k - 1:43:15 (57th individual, 1st team) Tour of Matabungkay Stage 1 100k - 3:52(188th) Tour of Matabungkay Stage 2 90k - 2:53 (163rd) Tour of Matabungkay Stage 3 TTT - 59:24 (29th) Adidas King of the Road 10k - 50:15 (75th) Powerade Standard Distance Duathlon - 2:41:54 (4th in age group) Malakoff Powerman Malaysia Long Distance Duathlon - 4:24:52 (60th) Nike Run Manila 5k - 22:34 (81st) Speedo NAGT UPLB Sprint Triathlon - 2:03:01 (38th overall, 8th in age group)
With off-road events experiencing a sudden resurgence, enthusiasts both new and old alike may want to check out this upcoming series of events from Finishline, to be held against the scenic backdrop of Nuvali. With running, cycling and Now if only a house in the area weren't so expensive.
Here are the details, pretty much everything is there already.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. What is In-Motion Series? In-Motion is the 3 part leg series of races per year hosted by Finishline. Each leg consists of a variety of single-sports discipline and multi-sports discipline. Each leg will begin with a running event as a jump-off point and culminate with a sprint triathlon. Refer to 2011 calendar of events for dates. 2. What is Road X Trail? Road X Trail is the launch of the In-Motion Series, that consists of 3 sports events: cycling (Dec 11), running (Dec 18), and duathlon (Dec 19). For each discipline, there are 2 types: road and trail. 3. What is Activate? Activate is a weekly training program to complement the In-Motion race series that aims to provide assistance in 2 ways: > Timed Training on your own time: Finishline to provide timing at running, cycling, and swimming spots. Weekday and weekend schedule shall be posted at www.finishline.ph > Train With a Personal Coach: Finishline coaches will develop a customized program, depending on the objective 4. What is MYCHIP?
MYCHIP is the first personal*, multi-sport** timing chip in the Philippines. *It is non-disposable, and can be used for a lifetime. **It can be used for running, cycling, swimming, duathlon, aquathlon, triathlon races hosted or timed by Finishline. MYCHIP price is Php 2,500 which includes, MYLAPS-ChampionChip Timing Chip, Neoprene Strap (for running and duathlon), and a bike clip (for road and trail biking). For more information on MYCHIP, refer to the leaflet or log on to www.finishline.ph MYCHIP owners avail of a Php 150 discount on registration fee for running and cycling fun ride, and Php 350 discount for other events. 5. Aside from using MYCHIP, how else can we avail of discounts? No discount on bulk registration. No discount for joining the whole leg. 6. Where can i purchase MYCHIP? For those who will register and will purchase MYCHIP, payment will be done at the registration sites, but race kit and MYCHIP will be delivered to the participant. Registration staff to write the complete delivery address beside the race number yellow box. 7. Do we have to activate our MYCHIP every time we join? No. MYCHIP owners are assigned a permanent unique chip code, which automatically registers as they cross the finish line. 8. Can we claim race kits on race day? No. For Running: Running kits will be available at registration sites on November 23 (Tuesday). For those who registered from Nov 15 - November 22, race kits will be delivered to them. Registration Staff to write complete delivery address beside the race number yellow box. For Cycling: Participants should claim their race kits at their designated registration site from December 6 - 10, using their race kit tickets to be given by the registration staff upon payment of participant. For Duathlon: Participants should claim their race kits at their designated registration site from December 6 - 10, using their race kit tickets to be given by the registration staff upon payment of participant. 9. What are the rules and regulation for winning? There are 2 ways to win: 1. Winners for each race category: Top 3 winners, Male and Female. 2. Winners for each age category per race category: 1 winner per age category, Make and Female. There is a total of 12 age categories: kids 8-11 yrs. old youth 12-15 yrs. old 16-17 yrs. old 18-24 yrs. old 25-29 yrs. old 30-34 yrs. old 25-39 yrs. old 40-44 yrs. old 45-49 yrs. old 50-54 yrs. old 55-59 yrs. old 60 and above Participant to cross the finish line must be a registered participant to qualify. Timers to confirm split and chip times before awarding winners. Each winner to receive special winners medals. 10. What are the prizes? No cash prizes to be given. GCs and Products will be given to the top winners. 11. What will non-winners receive on race day? Each participant will receive a finisher’s medal, MYRACE analysis, and drinks from the beverage sponsor. 12. Can we ride with our kids without joining the race? No. Only registered participants can ride/run. In case of minors, a signed waiver by the guardian/parent should be turned over to the registration staff. 13. If we join the race, do we get discounts at the nearby hotels within the area? Where? Yes. For inquiries, call Paseo Premiere at 049 5413089 to 94 . 14. Can we join 2 or more criterium race categories? Ex. Cycling Active Dirt Criterium at 6:30am and Fit Road Criterium at 9am? Yes. 15. What kind of bike can i use for each race? Only road bikes will be allowed on road criterium categories. Only mountain bikes will be allowed on trail criterium categories. Both bike types will be allowed to join the fun ride category. 16. When do we get the results of MYRACE Analysis? MYRACE results will be posted within 24 hours. Finishline In-Motion Series Launch Brief
ROAD X TRAIL (“Road Times Trail”) leg will be the launching pad of Finishline, In-Motion series and MyChip Sports Timing. ROAD X TRAIL will include Cycling, Running, and Duathlon – 3 races in separate dates. Under each sports discipline, Finishline will be the first to offer two separate race routes (road and off-road) in one day. This means that participants may choose to join either road or off-road race.
Primary : for the longer distance race categories, we are targeting regular participants (elites and intermediates) of duathlon, cycling (mountain bikers and road bikers), running (trail and road runners)
Secondary: We will also target beginners and anyone interested in trying out new sports / muli-sports by offering shorter distance categories. Majority of them are either doing only running or cycling.
To introduce other sports to those who are limited to joining either running or cycling events only but would like to try other sports or combination of both.
To offer a multi-discipline event designed to appeal not only to experienced competitors but to newbies as well.
To showcase different sports disciplines in an accessible and spectator-friendly format.
EVENT DETAILS a. Venue : Nuvali, Sta. Rosa Laguna. b. Contact: Finishline website (www.finishline.ph) and contact number 570-8330. c. Registration Details: i. REGISTRATION 1. CYCLING - November 15 to December 8, 2010 2. DUATHLON AND RUNNING - November 15 to December 15, 2010 ii. RACE KIT REDEMPTION DAY – 1. DUATHLON AND CYCLING ONLY! – a. December 6 to 10, 2010 at your designated registration sites. d. Registration Sites: i. PASIG – All-Terra Bike Shop, Second Wind, GNC Megamall ii. QUEZON CITY – GNC Ayala Trinoma Mall & All-Terra Libis iii. MAKATI – RUNNR Fort Bonifacio Global City iv. MAKATI - GNC Glorieta 4 v. ALABANG – Grantrail Bike Shop & GNC Alabang Town Center 2. vi. STA. ROSA – SABAK Bike Shop & NUVALI Evoliving Center (Weekends only) vii. SAN PABLO – Green Planet Bike Shop e. Event Date and Distance : CYCLING - December 11, 2010 § TIMED FUN RIDE · FIT: 20KM · ACTIVE: 10KM · YOUTH (8-11yrs. old) : 10KM · KIDS (8-11yrs. old) : 6KM § CIRCUIT · ROAD CRITERIUM (Time + laps) o FIT (40min. + 4 laps) 2km single lap distance o ACTIVE (20min. + 2 laps) 2km single lap distance · DIRT CRITERIUM / SHORT TRACK o FIT (40min. + 4 laps) 2km single lap distance o ACTIVE (20min. + 2 laps) 2km single lap distance RUNNING - December 18, 2010 § ROAD · 10 mile - 16KM Run · 5 mile - 8KM Run · ACTIVE - 5KM Run · STARTING - 3KM Run · KIDS (8-11yrs. old) : 1KM § TRAIL · 10 mile - 16KM Run · 5 mile - 8KM Run DUATHLON - December 19, 2010 § ROAD DUATHLON · FIT: 3KM Run/ 20KM Bike / 3KM Run · ACTIVE: 1.5KM Run/ 12KM Bike/ 1.5KM Run · YOUTH (12-15yrs. Old) : 1.5KM Run/ 12KM Bike/ 1.5KM Run · KIDS (8-11yrs. Old) : 500M Run/ 6KM Bike/ 500KM Run § TRAIL DUATHLON · FIT: 5KM Run/ 30KM Bike / 5KM Run · ACTIVE: 3KM Run/ 15KM Bike/ 3KM Run Whew. That was a lot. At least they have a fun medal.
Check out the videos for a better idea of what the events are all about. Cool, nicely done.
Hey everybody. Came in through the mail, the run benefits street children. While that isn't an entirely new concept, one of the things that caught my eye was that you would get a thank you letter. Ooh, cool. You think the streetkids really write them?
Anyway, a good cause is a good cause. Here's the original email. All the information is there, feel free to check it out.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Warm greetings!
We would like to invite you and your company/school/organization to our FUN RUN FOR BETTER EDUCATION 2010 to be held at MCKINLEY HILL CYBER PARK, FORT BONIFACIO GLOBAL CITY, TAGUIG CITY on Nov.27, 2010 at 5:00 a.m. Saturday.
This educational event will benefit many Street Children to get back in school. Sponsors and Participants will be given with FREE PROMOTION OF THEIR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES, FREE SPEED MATH E-BOOK CD, THANK YOU LETTER, ACTUAL PHOTO OF THE EVENT, RACING SINGLET WITH KIT AND CERTIFICATE OF SPONSORSHIP/PARTICIPATION. For more information, please contact us at +63917-4038001 and +632-4915908 or you may visit us at www.funrun4bettereducation2010.blogspot.com. Come and join us and together, Let's MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN CHANGING LIVES!
The good news is, for the second straight year we've been nominated to the Philippine Blog Awards under the Best Sports Blog category. And the kicker is this year we finally made it as a finalist wohoo :) Not sure who were the other running sites nominated, but best of luck to you my friends. Thank you so much for your support and for continuing to enjoy my material. The bad news is that my site is acting up, of all times geez. Something went awry with the coding and it's not displaying the articles on the home page properly. Ugh. The worst possible thing would be for the fancy PBA judges to go through my site and see one miserly, zero comment article there along with a shaky layout. Smirk. I'm just hoping for the best. Awards night is on December 12 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium at RCBC. I'll keep you guys updated as things progress.
Is this our year?
Congratulations to all those who finished QCIM, level uppers and PR pounders alike. I ran the course last year, had a horrific time with parking and traffic but was memorable nonetheless for being my first sub-2 hour 21k. It also had the best medal of last season IMHO. Although I had completely no issues against it, the common gripe last year was that there was a lack of hydration. Apparently, there's always an angry mob. This year, the word out on the grapevine is all about inaccurate results and distances aside from the deletion of a Facebook page. This has spurred a hotly contested debate on this Takbo.ph forum thread. Register if you can't read it haha. Pockets of vitriol (albeit unrequited) are being spewed towards the path of Runnex and long-time Takbo.ph denizen Rene Villarta, better known in the general blogosphere as the Jazzrunner. With emotions running high, some of these interjections are better off left unpublished. As someone who has similarly been on the receiving end of these snide online remarks, I can only empathize. It's fair to state one's opinion, it's a free country anyway. It's another to degenerate into name calling and group bashing, specially in a public forum. We're all mature individuals aren't we?
Being interviewed at QCIM 09'. Whew it's been a year already.
Stay.Away.From.The. Ham.
And Krispy Kreme. Krispy Kreme = Bad.
I am the only one having trouble getting up in the morning to run, with this pseudo-Baguio cold and all? Got to love that holiday lethargy. Run = Bad. Krispy Kreme and Holiday Ham = Good.
Another note on QCIM, I would like to personally congratulate my good friend Marga Baula for finishing her very first marathon. I've known her since her very first race, and she's come a long way. She is a shining example of that other, non-competitive but just as blood and guts side of our sport. While she may have come in at last place about 9 hours after the starting gun, her steely resolve and determination to finish in light of unspeakable odds is truly an inspiration to us all. Read all about her heartfelt account here.
Marga rocks.
Brooks' Green Silence is probably the coolest name I've ever seen for a running shoe. It name suggests that diabolical nuclear weapon that dictators keep in their back yard. Cool.
I just realized it's not er, green.
I received a late, red-blooded invite to the Nike Run Manila gig at Fort last Sunday. Kinda ironic because I handle Adidas ANR Ortigas, but what the heck seems like a fun gig. Oh the loyalty. Figured that since the plan was to do a brick workout anyway, might as well do it in a competitive race environment away from the crush at QCIM. The funny thing is, I've been away from the races for so long that poor lil' ol me doesn't even know how to use a D-tag. Boo hoo. Good thing I ran into race director extraordinaire Ian Alacar while trolling the grounds, thanks for helping this ignorant fool out buddy. Not too many people, was estimated at around 2,500 give or take. Field was stockpiled with fast varsity runners after strong tie-ups with schools. Rio (patiently doing his Obama-plastered smile while being snapped up for autographs and pictures ) did a patently good job with this . I struggled with a 22:34 time (good for only 81st out of 2,344 runners, testament to a strong field) about a minute and a half off my best time but the result was otherwise satisfactory. I had to rely on a furious challenge from some ultrafit varsity gals towards the end for that final push. Thanks gals, give one to the old guy. Was nice hanging with blogosphere heavyweights Jaymie/TBR and Vimz/Kulit Runner after, as well as with TPB bud Mark Mulder who finished 59th. Go to Vimz' site for the full results, I'm a lazy slob to post it on here. People were hyped over the Nike + doll that they gave away in lieu of a medal, I thought it was awesome. In related news, my Nike + doll is now the property of Ultramarathoner Abby :P
Till next week folks, congratulations to everybody on an awesome race weekend. :)
The Fit and Fun Wellness Buddy Run was supposed to be an opportunity for friends and family to come together, take a brief respite from the trappings of everyday running and just go out there and have a blast by running as a pair. While this doesn't beat the novelty of having to eat six donuts over the course of a race (yum) it was supposed to give a fresh take on your usual weekend race. I had my sights set on Tito Caloy as my buddy (think of all the fun comedy anecdotes I could have used as material) but alas...
Lady at Robinson's Pioneer Customer Service : Ay Sir wala na pong slot
GBM : Pero... . last day ngayon diba? *sob*
LRPCS : Oo, pero ubos na ang slots eh.
GBM : *sob*
Thus, I had to grimly relay the info to Tito Caloy... . He must be crestfallen.
Tito Caloy : O, naicancel ko na lahat ng gimik ko! Kundisyon na ako! Game !
GBM: Tito, naubusan tayo ng slots . Sigh.
TC : Ay sakto kakatext lang ni pareng Ambo diyan sa may Griarte bertday daw eh! Cge txt2 na lang!
GBM: (well that didn't take long)
So great. I'll be stuck without a race for the weekend. As much as I wanted to pace Tito Caloy, my ulterior motive was to somehow whip myself back to shape coming from the layoff necessitated by the Botak Ultra. So imagine how happy I was when Takbo.ph denizen Lucille/ Ohm Runner had advised me that her hubby's partner had backed out. I felt fortunate that amongst those who had offered their "services" as a late sub she picked me :) We met the day before at Go Nuts Donuts for the bib and singlet , a veritable EB of sorts as I have never met her before.
Lucille : It's up to you to take care of my hubby
GBM : Of course! Any targets?
Lucille : His best time was a 1:10... .
GBM : So it's a sub 70 then! Game !
Lucille : Thank you. Any PR wold be a tremendous bonus.
GBM: I will try my best... ..
To make a long story short, I would be running the buddy run not with a buddy... but with a total stranger...
I'm running late. I cannot be late for this. I have a buddy. I don't know him. But it should be fun. I just drove from Ortigas to Fort in 5 mins. I could have sworn the cops would have given me a ticket. Whew. Made it. It's starting late apparently. The usual suspects here. And... hey! It's Doc Iris! Finally meet her! She's... tall in person! Someone's calling... wait... . It's Argow...
GBM : Yes Argow?
Argow : Shet man!
GBM : Wha?
Argow: I just woke up!
GBM: Yeah, sad. Why you calling me?
Argow: I hooked up on the board! Last minute sub! And I'm here! He's there! Waaaaah! WWaaaaah! WAAAH! Um, is there anyone who could sub for me? WAAAAH!
GBM: Geez, I don't know man. We're starting in like 5 mins... .
Argow : Waaaah!
I finally met my buddy minutes before we were to start. Until that point he was only known as "Lucille's Husband" . I must have repeated this a gazillion times to the Takbo.ph gang...
Takbo.ph friend : Hey who's your buddy?
GBM: Lucille's Husband! I'm a late sub!
TF : Who's Lucille?
Carlo was his name. Much better than "Lucille's Husband" right? . I asked him his targets, he said he just wanted to treat it as his long run. He didn't want to push because he wanted to run the Globe 21k next week. But Lucille said sub 70... And how can he finish 21k if he doesn't push on a mere 10k? My competitive juices started flowing, a diabolical plan was hatched to tow my new buddy into new running heights.
"Lucille's Husband" now had a face behind the name
We're Going Too Fast! Km 1 - 5
So it's my first time to ever pace someone at an actual race and it's my first time to run at a significantly slower pace. My adrenalin was killing me. As you may or may not know, I'm a notorious positive splitter for short to medium distance races. This rubbed off on our pace, and as much as I was trying to take it slow, it still resulted in a 6:24 pace that was too fast for my new friend. He was doing quite well first 3 - 4k, then was starting to gas already. We had passed Takbo.ph first couple Jinoe and Que, injured diva Vicky and matinee idol Bong Z as well as Timmy and Joyce so I figured heck , we must be going a bit fast.
Bong and Vix on their "leisurely" pace
Wait, did they just stop in the middle of the road for photo-op? Buddy Carlo was starting to grumble already, much to my consternation and embarassment.
"This is hard!"
"This is too fast this ain't my pace!"
"You're a maniac!"
Little did he know, it was all part of the plan... ..
A Final Push. Km 6- 10
In order to diffuse any unneccessary weirdness, I resorted to humoring buddy Carlo with mundane, useless questions to take his mind off the pain and exhaustion. Things like...
What's your wedding date with Lucille?
Where was your first date?
What's the zodiac sign of your kid?
When was your first kiss?
If someone were to play you in a movie, who would it be and why?
Who you like better, Rustom or BB?
Think Doc Hayden would come up with new material soon?
Despite my best efforts, best buddy Carlo said he was gassing. He was not enjoying this at all! He had to take a walk break. Which was great because... . that was part of the plan. Aha! Pacing with positive split people has its advantages... like slacking off during the 2nd half. The walk breaks , the rest pace splits - all were taken into consideration *evil grin*. We actually had a 31 minute 5k. More than enough to time to recover. *moral victory* After a kilometer or so of walking, we were back on track. A run/walk strategy lowered our pace to about 6:47, but were right on track. He was feeling much better, which was a good thing...
I am not liking this Gingerbread charcter ...
Evil Gingerbread pacer dude
With the finish line in sight, buddy Carlo was seriously gassing. He wanted to walk last hundred meters. I told him just 300 meters to go! 200! It's just one more minute of misery in exchange for a week of glory! I shared the mantra that pushes me through the last 500 meter fade. Must have struck a chord, as me and best buddy Carlo finished strong to a 1:08:50 finish on our Garmins, a new PR for him! Mission accomplished! Congratulations to main man Carlo! Wohoo!
I survived the GBM Pace Experience!
Overall, the race was an organized success. Extribe did a wonderful job with it, we should see them more often. Generous goodie bags at the end were pretty impressive as well.
Niceties were given, congratulations exchanged. Old records fell by the wayside. The essence of the Buddy Run is reflected in a synergy of enthusiasm... .
Love... .
Smiles... ..
Fun... ..
and the pursuit of excellence... .
We may have not breached any of those in an hour, but rest assured the fundamental element was built that day... ..
I started the race with a complete stranger. I ended it with a complete stranger. I just so happen to know some weird things about him now. Goodbye Carlo. We ran the good race. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. See you around...
Hey gang, lol more fun contests. If you still don't have a race on Sunday, why not check out the 2nd Mchappy Fun Run at Mckinley? :) Last year's edition said that a ton of freebies were given away. Anyway, I have a couple of free 10k race kits for you guys. You have to act quick because this is on Sunday already! Here's what you have to do to win them.
1. Add me on Facebook ( if you haven't already)
2. Follow me on Twitter (so I can tell you if you won)
3. Leave a comment on this blog telling us who would be the Mcdonald's character you would want to race, and why you think you could beat him/her/it.
Deadline of submission is 9pm tonight, I'll post the results by 12 midnight and you can get the kits tomorrow. Comprende? Good luck!
As always, if the contest sucks out and we have a lack of entries the people who actually bothered to post would get it :)
Last year was fun dawHere are the details : This November, McDonald’s is celebrating McHappy Day. McHappy Day, formerly known as World Children’s Day, is a global fundraising effort in support of various children’s causes. In the Philippines, McDonald’s celebrates McHappy Day with its 2nd McHappy Day Fun Run this coming November 28 at the Venice Piazza at McKinley Hill, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. The McHappy Day Fun Run is a special run to raise P1million for the benefit of the Ronald McDonald House Charities(RMHC), the charity of choice of McDonald’s and its banner program, Bright Minds Read (BMR). Bright Minds Read is a program in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd) that provides reading toolkits to different public schools all over the country to help students learn beginning reading. To date, over 2,200 public schools nationwide are under the BMR program.
I attended the presscon for this event last night along with Abby at Passion Restaurant at Maxims- touted as the country's only 6-star hotel at Resorts World Manila. Familiar faces abound, with both old and new bloggers in the mix. Vicky of 2009 PBA finalist Succulence Unleashed rode with us, and aside from the minor hiccup of being lost (we went straight to SLEX Bicutan from C5. Smart guy) ,we didn't encounter too much trouble aside from the fact that all three of us were veritable starvin' marvins.
This wasn't our first visit to Resorts World so I was pretty familiar with the place. Newport City, as the Marketing AVP put it, "is the best kept secret in Manila". It's hard to disagree, and I won't be surprised if the place would be teeming with people in a few months. Walking around, it has this international feel to it. Close your eyes, look around and you might forget you're actually in Manila. The fancy casinos are a given, but the sprawling complex boasts of an extremely fancy cinema ( with an on-call butler, rumor has it) and numerous shows for everyone's entertainment.I'm in no way a food blogger (although sometimes I wish I were), but may I say that the food at Passion was superb. The pansit was perhaps the best I had tasted all year, and the siomai, dumplings and prawn cakes all hit the spot.
It's a must try.While we were eating, some gals were passing around forms. Turns out we were to be given free membership cards with P100 worth of credits you could use at the slots. I won a miserly P50, which I then proceeded to lose in a span of 2 minutes. Stupid one -armed bandit.Anyway, back to business. The run coincides with Resorts World's Grand Fiesta Manila 2010 event, which celebrates the many facets of Filipino heritage in different forms. The run will be the first in the area, and boasts of 3k, 5k and 10k distances as well as a 1k fun run where you run like a madman in your best office attire. Nice.
Nice guy in a suit explaining stuff.
AVP man explaining all things Resorts World.
Our agency friend on the salient points of the race
Happy, casino-invading, blogging-type people I guess the cool part of the run would be the raffle (speaking of raffles, I won a P500 gift certificant for future use. My run of terrible luck with these things has officially ended) All runners are qualified to actually win an all expenses paid trip to Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore , where you'll be flown in by a private jet. Ooh living the high life.
Abby hoping she'll win the trip. I hope she brings me along with her.Race management is under the Leadpack brand, with Ian Alacar serving as the race director. So for those of you sick and tired of the usual race venues, you may want to check this out. It's P650 for all distances and you get a chance to be treated like a rockstar in Singapore. No worries about the accuracy of your times (and the incessant debates/extrapolation that happens after) as the race is RFID timed, with the results texted right after to the number you put in your registration.See you November 28! Race first before you hit the slots!Oh, and here are some FAQ's, just in case.
What is the run?
The run is the Grand Fiesta Run 2010 which is part of the Grand Fiesta Manila Celebration
Where is the run?
The run will be held at Newport City, Pasay City (Across NAIA 3)
When is the run?
The run will be held on November 28, 2010
Who is the title sponsor?
Resorts World Manila
What is Resorts World Manila?
Resorts World Manila is the Philippines’ latest only integrated tourist hub where you can relax, shop, dine, and play. Resorts World Manila has a mall complete with the best shops and restaurants, movie theaters, a performing arts theater, hotels (Maxim Tower and Marriott Hotel), and a gaming area.
Are children prohibited from entering Resorts World?
No. Only the Casino and Republiq is restricted to ages 21 and above. The shops, restaurants, movie and performing arts theaters, hotels are all open to people of all ages.
How can I register?
You can register in the following:
Resorts World Manila Tourist Counter.
3 select Chris Sports outlets: SM Mall of Asia, Glorietta, SM Mega Mall
R.O.X. in the Fort
You can also call WWWExpress at 793-1777 (press 2 for marketing) or 852-7210 to register via phone and arrange for delivery. A delivery fee of P70 will be charged for Metro Manila deliveries and P100 for deliveries outside of Metro Manila.
1K Fiesta Rat Race category registration is at RWM, ROX and thru WWWExpress only.
Registration is from October 27 to November 22
Better to register early though as there are limited singlet sizes and slots per distance
Until when is registration?
Registration runs until November 22, 2010
Is there an age requirement or age limit?
Anyone can run as long as they deem themselves fit enough to participate. A liability waiver needs to be signed by every participant. Parents or guardians need to sign for entrants under 18 years of age.
How much is the registration fee?
P650 for all race categories
What is included with the registration fee?
Registration fee includes the race kit and a singlet
Do I have to be a member of Resorts World Manila to join the run?
No. Special privileges though will be given to Resorts World Manila members during the run. To win in the grand raffle, you also need to be a member. MEMBERSHIP IS FREE
Is there an age requirement for Resorts World Manila membership?
No. Although you need to be 21 and above to play in the Casino, Resorts World Manila members below 21 can still avail of special discounts and earn rewards points when they shop and dine in Resorts World Manila. AGAIN, MEMBERSHIP IS FREE
How do I become a member of Resorts World Manila?
To become a member, you must be 21 years old and above. Present a valid ID together with your Membership application form at Resorts World Manila Membership Counters. You may get an application form in any of the registration sites.
Do I get any special treats if I’m already a member of Resorts World Manila?
Existing Resorts World Manila Member may still present the RWM Gift Stub found at at the race bib to receive a Match and Play Voucher
What is a Match and Play Voucher?
Match and Play voucher is valued at P100. Present the voucher to the Casino Cage to get a certificate, the certificate together with a live bet of P100 can be used to play at specific gaming tables. Limited to the gaming tables that uses even bets.
Where do I claim the Match and Play Voucher?
Present the free gift stub along with your Resorts World Membership card at the Membership Counter to claim your Match and Play Voucher
What is the validity period of the Match and Play Voucher?
Match and Play voucher is valid until December 05, 2010.
What does the race kit include?
The race kit comes with a singlet, timing chip, and race bib with loot bag stub, raffle stub, and an RWM gift stub
Can I transfer my race kit to another person?
No. The moment you register, your information is assigned to the race kit and is encoded into the system.
What do I get for the Resorts World Manila gift stub?
Become a member of RWM and present the stub to claim a Match and Play Voucher
What is in the loot bag?
The loot bag will contain items from Resorts World Manila and our sponsors
What are the singlet sizes?
The sizes are XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.
Can I change size if it doesn’t fit?
Where can I get a size reference for the singlet?
The sizes are by Unibersidad and you can use their past singlets as reference.
Do I need to wear the Grand Fiesta Run singlet during the run?
Although it’s preferred, you don’t need to wear the singlet
What are the race distances?
3k, 5k, 10k, and a 1k special Fiesta Rat Race
What is the 1k Fiesta Rat Race?
The Fiesta Rat Race is a special 1k category where registrants are encouraged to come in office attire (example: suits and rubbershoes) or fiesta-inspired costumes.
What do I get if I join the Fiesta Rat Race?
Aside from the all the fun and great photos of participating in a themed costume run, prizes will be given away to the best dressed, the most unique, and the wildest outfits.
Can I change distance after registration?
Can I register for more than 1 distance?
Yes, but you will need to register twice (and pay the registration fee twice)
How will the race track my time?
The race will be using an RFID timing system that will track your time. Timing chip must be attached to your bib at all times. Also, make sure to indicate the correct mobile phone number and email address in your registration form as your finish time will automatically be texted and emailed to you as you cross the finishline
When will I know the Race Results?
Your time will be SMS’d and emailed to you the moment you cross the finishline. There will also be a time-check station at the activity center.
Your place in the run in relation to everyone else will be posted at the Resorts World Manila website within 3 days of the race
What are the rules and regulations?
Participants below 18yrs old must have their entry form signed by a parent/guardian
Race Bib must be worn at all times during the race. It should be pinned in front of your running shirt to be placed on or a little above the waistline
Registration will be limited to the slots per category
Finisher’s time, including winners, will be based on RFID tag time results. No RFID tag, no race results.
All protest related to the results must be made in writing and submitted to the Race Director within 30 minutes after the official announcement of winners.
A protest fee of Php 1,500 may be collected for every written protest made.
What is the route?
TBD: The starting point is at the Newport Plaza. The 1k, 3k, and 5k route will take you around Newport City and along Andrews Ave (across NAIA) . The 10k route will take you inside Villamor Airbase.
What are the prizes?
Resorts World Rewards Points will be given away:
What can I use Resorts World Manila Rewards Points for?
You may use your points to pay for food bills, show tickets, claim parking tickets, food voucher and gifts up for redemption.
Can Resorts World Manila Rewards Points be used to play at the Casino?
Yes, this is a current promo of Resorts World Manila. For detailed promo mechanics, please call 836-6318
Will the run push through if it rains?
The run will take place rain or shine
Will water be provided?
Drinking water will be provided at selected points along the route
Will there be first aid stations?
Medical aid will be available at certain points via roving representative
Are pets allowed?
No. Not everyone is comfortable with animals and we need to be considerate to them. There are also some added hazards of pets being in the race as they might disturb or bite another runner, leaving their special “gifts” along the route, and runners tripping over the leash.
What is there to do after the run?
There will be an activity area where sponsors and will be providing activities for everyone
Where do I park?
All participants and other spectators are required to park their vehicles at the designatedparking areas of Resorts World Manila
Is parking free for runners?
No. Standard Parking fees apply
Will there be toilets?
Toilet cubicles will be available at the site during the race
Is there a place to leave my bags?
There will be a baggage deposit area from 5am to 10am
Will there be celebrities?
Although some have been invited, we cannot commit on whether they will join the race
Raffle Draw
What are the prizes to be given away in the Raffle?
3 Days, 2 Nights trip for 4 to Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore with free tickets to Universal Studios and a ride on the Resorts World Manila Private Jet. Note, the ride on the Resorts World Manila Private Jet is from Manila to Singapore only. Going back, winners will be given a one-way PAL ticket to Manila
Cruise for 2 from Singapore to Malaysia and back to Singapore in 3 days and 2 nights. Free entrance to onboard shows and entertainment and use of Gym and recreational facilities. Full board and meals (up to 6 per day). Note, the ride on the Resorts World Manila Private Jet is from Manila to Singapore only. Going back, winners will be given a one-way PAL ticket to Manila
When is the Raffle Draw?
The Grand Raffle Draw will take place after the Grand Fiesta Run during the awarding ceremonies (around 8am)
Can anyone win in the Raffle Draw?
To be eligible to win in the raffle you need to have finished the race, be a member of Resorts World Manila, and be present during the drawing
If I register more than once (and pay each of the registration fees), will that give me more chances of winning in the Raffle Draw?
Yes. But you will have to finish each race you register in and drop the raffle stub at the finishline. You can only win one major prize though and should you win twice, the prize of higher value will be given to you.
How can we be sure that the Grand Raffle Draw will be fair?
A DTI representative will be present during the drawing to ensure that the draw is fair