My Way of Living:
Gingerbread on Vacation : Fun Times In Pearl Farm (1st of two parts)
Bittersweet Symphony at Epic Relay 250
My name is Rain and I'm convinced... . That runners hate me
Of Running Fevers and Jumbo Liempos :The Ortigas 22k LSD Experience
Introducing Team Powerpuff Boys!
What works for you... . May not work for me : Positive Splits (2nd of a series)
What works for you... .. May not work for me :Negative Splits (1st of a series)
Rainy Days and Sundays Don't Always Get Me Down : The Earth Run Report
Pine Trees and Killer Uphills : The Botak Baguio Experience
Can Runners Eat Anything They Want? : Separating Fact From Fiction
V02Max for Dummies?