My Way of Living:

  • GBM Review Series : Adidas Supernova Sequence 2

    GBM Review Series : Adidas Supernova Sequence 2

    Shoes. Nothing piques our fancy more than a nice new pair to break in. From time to time, I'll be running shoe reviews, depending on what comes in the mail. Expect these reviews to be brief, concise, and coming from a very practical runner's perspective.

    On today's menu is the Adidas Supernova Sequence 2. While not as glamorous as the Adizero series , its precursor was known as a good stability shoe for moderate pronators (yeah, not the exag overpronators like me) that's somehow gives off the vibe of silent effectiveness.


    It's main upgrade from the original series is that Adidas has now included a new "geofit" feature, a collection of padded areas inside the shoe that help out areas which receive the most pressure. The Sequence 2 has a lightweight sole with blown rubber coatings, and is supposed to be durable. The outsole also uses the "ForMotion" feature that helps to adapt to different angles or types of terrain. The shoe is supposed to be versatile, and Adidas suggests that it can be used for numerous different running styles.

    I took it out for a quick spin on a leisurely 14k. Immediately noticeable was that it was heavier than my trusty, BDM-scarred Adizero Tempo. As the run progressed, I felt that it corrected my stride a lot more (maybe because of all that fancy" geofit material". OOooh.) and that it afforded a lot more stability. Better yet, my ITB didn't give way at the end. Amazing. Speedwork doesn't seem to be affected all that much by the incremental increase in weight. In hindsight, it's even lighter than my New Balance 848.

    Style-wise, it's alright. As I said, not as glamorous as the Adizero line, nor doesn't give off the the vibe of a Asics GT. However, it has a workmanlike yet versatile excellent for everyday use and is excellent for those non-exag overpronators. I'd recommend it :P

  • Runners Wear Jeans Too - Levi's 501 Organic Jeans Review

    Runners Wear Jeans Too - Levi's 501 Organic Jeans Review

    What? Jeans? Why we talking about jeans? We're runners !But hey, we can't go prancing around in our singlets and compression shorts all the time right? We have our "real" lives to attend to as well, where we wear "real" clothes. And besides, since this blog is touted to put forth random musings on life and running, here's the "life" part for you :) As runners, we're always tasked to take on a greater, higher cause during races. More often than not, our runs pertain to helping the environment - Earth Run, Takbo para sa Kalikasan, And what's a better way to continue advocating these causes than by showcasing them through our everyday wear? If that got you thinking, then the eco-friendly Levi's 501 Organic Jeans is worth a second look.

    In celebration of the annual Levi’s® 501® Day on May 1st, the Levi’s® brand is launching a special edition jean inspired by its classic and definitive 1947 design and made from 100% organic cotton. Shrink-to-fit and tailored from selvedge fabric, the jean marries the hallmarks of quality denim loved by discerning consumers, with environmental consciousness, and from a label that’s iconic and timeless.

    So there. Continue supporting our environmental causes both on the road and off. Check out these Levi's 501 Organic Jeans at your nearest branch (I personally go to the one in Rockwell) and m ake Mother Nature smile a little :)

  • Winter rolls over

    Winter rolls over

    It was as if Winter had woken up, and rolled over in it's bed. Neatly folding back the white quilted blanket it uses, and exposing parts of Spring underneath all of that snow.

    Winter rolled over allowing spring to thaw the snow

    Allowing the day lilies a small toe hold in the garden. Hesitant green sprouts appearing in the frozen earth. Snow recedes at a pace that should exhaust it, showing the brown hairy stems of rigid ferns hidden since November. Fuzzy, muted tones of the moss that stretch toward the rare light, mingle with dead, and decayed foliage. Fog settles on the still white fields, competing with the o verflowing ditches, murky with a combination of ice, mud and hope. Today overflowing puddles where there was a thick white covering before. Birds swoop from tree to tree, calling, sounding like a herald of the next season.

    Winter releases it's blanket of snow from the gardens

    A preview, a promise, loosening the tight grip on the edge of the white blanket of snow that smothers the fields. Melting piles, washing down roof tops, dripping off of the branches. Spring seeps into minds, conversations…jackets undone in the sun. Tightened when frost coats the needles of the fir trees in the early morning, chill, damp, and dark. By the afternoon, the fog goes behind the mountains, up the valley, to those who live in ice for longer. Returning with the echoing blasts of the late train that night. A cycle of winter to spring and back again, a disagreement of which season is to take over, and for how long and when.

    Winter and spring fight over who will be the season birds sing in the trees

    Can you find the magpie?
    We are merely the viewers of this game between the seasons…not players, nor willing audience. Until Spring steps up for it's turn, and then we applaud, cheer, and stamp our feet in approval, and hope for a winner. If you enjoyed this post you might want to read this one.

  • Nike Lunar Elite +2 : A Quick Preview

    Nike Lunar Elite +2 : A Quick Preview

    Were you ever a fan of the Lunar Glide? I know a lot of you guys out there are. Always wanted to buy one but your overpronating ways were holding you back? Well as the new season comes in, Nike is giving you plenty reasons to smile. Enter the Nike Lunar Elite +2, the latest offering bound to live up to its pedigree.

    According to Nike, the latest LunarElite+ is lighter, more flexible and better fitting. It kept the same responsive cushioning in Dynamic Support and provides runners a smoother ride by giving them the right amount of stability the foot needs. Flywire technology draws the shoe’s upper securely around the foot and flex grooves along the bottom of the shoe increases flexibility for a smooth transition from heel to toe. More stab, less hassle, less injuries. Maybe I'll try it out myself.

    View from behind

    Here are the specs. Watch out, I may come out with a review in the near future. Hope this helps! · Forefoot siping for enhanced flexibility and articulation. · Environmentally preferred rubber Waffle Fill provides multi-surface traction and durability. · High-density memory foam within the collar is shaped with genderspecific geometry for exceptional comfort and fit. · Independent ultra-light yet ultra-strong Flywire finger panels provides a lightweight, dynamic lock down over the footbed. · Deep Nike Natural Motion Engineering flex grooves along the length and width of the midsole/outsole enhance flexibility for a smooth, efficient stride. · Supportive carrier is engineered to function as a lateral crash pad to absorb impact on contact and promote a smooth, efficient transition. · Dynamic Support platform provides runner specific support. · Lunarlon cushioning system features a soft yet resilient foam core encased within a supportive foam carrier for lightweight, cushioning, response, and support. · The interface between the soft core and supportive carrier is wedged to limit the range and rate of excessive pronation.

  • Blogging boundaries–you didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck

    Blogging boundaries–you didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck
    Fence in fog on hill

    One good thing to keep true to your heart, and in your mind, whether you are a shiny bright newbie, or a established blogger with lots of experience, is your personal blogging boundaries.
    What one blogger considers to be a open field, might be oversharing to another. Those lines should be clear in your mind, and be refreshed every now and again on your journey.
    Sometimes a incident will occur, or you will read something that you might consider a little too revealing in blogging and it will make you sit up and pay attention.
    That’s good.
    Boundaries are a good thing, we haven’t just fallen off of the turnip truck, we know in our hearts how much we want to share. It’s those moments of recognition that define our boundaries.

    Fence fog, tree

    Blog post boundaries:
    Sharing facts about yourself doesn’t mean that you need to tell all, unless you want to, and you feel comfortable with that.
    I’m paraphrasing a comment left by Meredith on my post “Blogging as yourself” that resonates so true to my heart.
    “That doesn't mean you have to tell everyone your deep dark secrets, just be true to yourself.”
    Sometimes when we start to blog, it’s tempting to share more then we are would like to in order to be popular. To get those extra comments, gather in more readers. Figure out where you stand on this, and build that fence, if you decide to move it, think before you do, it’s a choice you should make because you feel comfortable, not desperate. The comments will come, the readers will find you, it’s going to take time, and being too out there is not going to give you the kind of people you want to share your village with.
    Once it’s on the internet, it’s out there forever. Who wants to be deleting blog posts later about a problem when it’s all over, or the situation has changed. This of course is a matter of personal preference, but I am suggesting that you decide how comfortable you are with sharing before you post anything too personal.

    Fence in the fog

    Offers, and giveaways:
    When you have been blogging for awhile that first offer of a prize for a giveaway can sound very appealing. Wow, they like my blog, they want to sponsor a give away, on my little blog? It might suddenly feel like you’ve made the big time, and you may have caught the eye of a legitimate sponsor, if so, that’s good.
    But don’t be too quick to respond yes, until you have thought through what the implications are, and if the offer is only going to result in free advertising for them. I’ve seen multiple inexperienced bloggers accept conditions that are only benefiting the companies and their products, because the rosy glow of being picked overshadowed the reality of what they were giving away for free.
    I get offers from different sponsors, some are legitimate, and others just want me to write a post highlighting their products for free. You’re the reader of this blog, why should I waste your time, and mine on a product, or review of something I haven’t even tried, held in my hand, or looked over?
    It’s my brand, my blog, and my reputation at stake here, I pick and choose the sponsors I promote with great care.
    To me that’s one boundary I won’t cross, and I have no problem telling potential sponsors the truth, don’t treat me like I’ve just fallen off of the turnip truck.

    Fence horses fog

    The time you spend blogging:
    You’ve been blogging for some time, and while it’s a great to see the comments roll in you’ve been feverishly working on new projects, and posts to the extent that you are ignoring family, and friends. Decide for yourself how many times you will post, and how important blogging is in your life. I’ve gone from posting once a week, to posting every day, and now I post 3 times a week. This works for me, and it might change, but I am happy with where I am now.
    Blog on,

  • Gingerbreadtalk : Nostlagia hits on Subic and Cebu,Fat Ass, and another Powerpuff Victory

    Gingerbreadtalk : Nostlagia hits on Subic and Cebu,Fat Ass, and another Powerpuff Victory

    Busy weekend for all of us! It's one of those weekends that so many big events were held concurrently. Running denizens were divided amongst the Cebu International Marathon, Subic International Marathon, Fat Ass 24-hour run, and the 2011 Bull Run. With a veritable smorgasbord of choices, let's see how everybody fared with these different runs.

    • I wonder how SIM 2011 fared this year? Among the people I knew, only Endure Multisport star Erick Guieb joined this one, and last I heard he was gunning for a modest below 5-hour finish. But knowing him, he probably did it in 3:45. Lol.
    • I was part of it in 2009, running the 10k Nike Human Race (where I placed 13th) and the 21k race (where I ran with Tito Caloy) Sigh, how time flies so fast. Internet Legend Tito Caloy has since gone back to the professional competitive drinking circuit, he missed it too much. Came in to the scene too late to know who he is? Google google google.

    Those were the days...

    Back to his first love.

    • In related news, SIM was also memorable for me because I ran into Ultramarathoner Abby on the way there at Kenny Rogers along NLEX. It was the first time I had seen her in years. Who would have known... ... .. :P Uuuy.

    Our first ever picture together hihi.

    • Back to SIM , that was also memorable because we were doing support for the marathoners and water ran out as early as 18k along the route. A trip down memory lane : Craig Logan was pushing Justin and collapsed. Rico sacrificed his race and rushed him to the hospital. Argow was overcome with emotion as his first marathon was marred by a lack of adequate water.There was a screaming mob afterwards, as a result there was TOO much hydration the day after for the 21k race. Fun.

    It's howkay, we got your back. Hug.

    • As expected, the Kenyans dominated this year's race with Vertek opting to compete in the 21k, eventually winning it. When will we ever have someone else other than Vertek to chase down these dudes?Can Cris Sabal hold his own? Someone give me data please. Winning time of 2:23 probably wasn't even close to their best.
    • Sometimes, I just realized that if I were a girl, I would be a very fast girl. A very fast, tall, and fugly one with hairy legs at that.
    • Congratulations to all who joined Cebu. Wonderfully organized race, I ran the inaugural edition last year and gave it rave reviews . It was as if the entire city was in synergy for one dynamic event. Haide Acuna, Doc Bontol, John Pages and the rest of the Cebu gang no doubt contribute to the robust running community they have over there, and this race is a succinct reflection of that. Only downside - you'll probably have too much fun with it that you might end up getting drunk and messing up your race. Not guilty as charged. Pockets of Endure, ANR and TPB people were there, tell us all about how it went! I have no doubt it was an awesome race as always.

    Last year with Cebu running celeb/BDM 102 batchmate Haide

    Cheering on boss Jinoe on his first marathon

    • The Fat Ass Run has long been some sort of an urban legend amongst ultra running folk, and I remember when quintessential ultraman Atty. Jon Lacanlale started it a couple years back. Back then, it didn't really garner that much attention save for a few hard core crazies. I had always wanted to run this, but for some reason it always worked against my schedule. So I was pleasantly surprised that it seemed that 1 in every 4 people seemed to be headed to Clark for it. If I'm not mistaken, you can run in 12 and 24 hour increments. Damn right it's crazy. Among the notables, BR did a leisurely 54k in about 8 hours, Frontrunner EIC/ Hardcore chief Jonel did an inhuman 121k in nearly 22 hours, and Albert "Run2dmoon" Salazar emerged this year's Fat Ass King with nearly 140k over 24 hours. Wow.

    Jonel overcome with emotion at his "graduation" after running for 22 hours.

    • While I'm having the time of my life being a spectator/heckler here, I shudder to think that I'll be running 160 kms in a little over a month. Ayayay.
    • Don't you find it ironic that the people who join Fat Ass don't have anything close to resembling a fat ass? In fact, I have a sneaky suspicion that after running for 24 hours, they may not even have an ass at all.
    • Of the all the aforementioned races, the one I did join was the one closest t0 home, the 2011 Bull Run at BGC (yes, I'm hip like that. Fort? Ano yun?). Fresh from winning the team championship at Fort Running Festival, Team Powerpuff Boys (affectionately known as TPB or "those pink guys") decided to take a stab at the team competition once more with momentum on our side. I got to train once with the gang, and if before I felt we were on a somewhat parallel fitness level, their resolute dedication to training has reaped incredible dividends. Being engrossed into establishing some semblance of a multisport base, I simply couldn't hack the aggressive programs I used to pull off. The disparity was blatantly obvious. My guys (no homo) simply ripped the course apart en route to the team snagging 1st place in the team category once more. Our goal was at the very least 1:20, and everybody did way better than that. Notable performances included Chris Iblan running an inhuman 1:03 ( 3:58 pace for 16k??) and Brandow snagging a 1:13 (wild 4:34 pace) . As for myself, I served as the weak link, checking it a lame 1:21:15, 5:04 pace which ordinarily would have been fast but these guys put that to shame. I need to ramp up my running, the boys are tearing it up there.

    TPB with, er, fans :P

    Posing at the awarding "Bb. Pilipinas" style.

    • Mary Anne Ringor usually does a good job at organizing, last year was pretty good. This year,epic fail at the 16k gun going off ten minutes early. It was supposed to start at 5:45 as was announced in the published material. We were at the corral already, and me Jix and Nick took a leak thinking there was more than ample time to get back. Much to our chagrin the gun went off as we were on the way back. We're vets at this, and it's really no big deal even if wading through hundreds of 10k runners and the back end of the 16k pack was draining. Still, it would be nice if we could keep to the published start times.
    • Double fail to the drivers along the Makati ave intersection who kept on impatiently honking their horns. You see there's a race going on, a little consideration wouldn't hurt. Highly indicative of our mentality, in other countries people on the road would actually cheer runners on. Hay nako.
    • Fail to Accel gels. Gu didn't have any chocolate variants, so we decided to give it a go. Tasted good, but I don't think it helped me one bit. In short, it was so bad that even the placebo didn't work. Shucks.
    • Tip of the week : 1 pound lost = 12 seconds faster in a 10k run. Lose 10 lbs, that's 2 minutes off your time!
    • Pilipinas Cycling League's season opener, a century race in Jala-Jala commences in Jan 23, Endure Multisport is competing. I'm antsy, haven't had a good road ride since my crash. Pray pray pray.
    • It's BDM test run season, and I'm pretty much missing all . Why? For the simple reason that I plan to race Condura 42k. I have a friendly bet with bossing Jonel because he's doing the test runs. If he still manages to outrun me it's Mcdo breakfast time. Juicy. :P
    That's all for this week folks! Good job on your races and see you on the road!

  • MBD a [quick] year in review

    MBD a [quick] year in review

    I wanted to write a

    1-MBD Year end photos

    review of our year to document some of the huge changes in our lives, but then I thought no one is going to want to sit through a slide show of too many photos. So here instead is a quick review of our year in collage form. January 2012 We move from the farm, to our new house. And baby it’s cold outside!

    2-MBD Year end photos1

    We meet the neighbours. And Boo starts to really settle in.

    3-MBD Year end photos2

    We plant a garden with all of my plants from the coast that have lived in pots for so many years, they flourish beyond my wildest dreams.

    4-MBD Year end photos3

    Through it all, I take photos, hundreds, and thousands of photos. I wish I had taken even more.

    5-MBD Year end photos4

    We rent out the birdhouse to lovely tenants. Did some sight seeing, and are constantly amazed at how much better locally farmed food tastes. Support your local farmer, they deserve it.

    6-MBD Year end photos5

    Summer slowly fades after a prolonged drought that taxed us all to the limit. We had no rain for months, and the unrelenting heat took some getting used to.

    7-Dec 2012 Candy Canes snow fences2

    In the depths of winter, I finally learned there was in me a invincible summer. Albert Canus And I learned to embrace the beauty of winter, instead of dreading it. Next year it all starts over again. Happy New Year to all of my blogging friends, and thanks for being such a great part of my world.

  • Smart Sports' Official Response To The SIM Debacle

    Smart Sports' Official Response To The SIM Debacle

    Showing that they do not live in a bubble (unlike some politicians we know) and are open to constructive criticism and feedback ( they actually read blogs), here's the official response of Smart Sports to the Subic International Marathon dehydration fest : Wait, sorry for the copy-paste, I am in a sloth-like state today.


    At the outset, we at Smart Sports would like to extend our congratulations to all the runners, most especially to the marathoners of the recently concluded Subic International Marathon 2009. However, it has come to our attention the numerous comments of the participants of SIM 2009 regarding the technical aspect of the race and if there are shortcomings we will make it a point to discuss this with the race organizers. Rest assured to the running community that all these comments, feedbacks and suggestions are carefully being reviewed and will be kept as reference for other marathons Smart will be supporting.

    Allow us to take this opportunity to share with the running community the reasons why Smart Sports decided to support SIM:

    1. We are a sponsor. Much the same way we will be when we sponsor other marathons

    2. We believe in the transformational advocacy of the Philippine National Police through its program director Ret. Gen. Sam Tucay and Chief PNP Jesus Verzosa

    3. We realize that through SIM, we will be able to identify Filipino runners that can represent the country in international races. Kudos to the only 2 Filipinos (Hernanie Sore and Alquin Bolivar) to make it in the top ten who gave every ounce of willpower for flag and country

    4. We simply want to promote a sport where hundreds and thousands of passionate Filipinos love

    5. Sports tourism: to showcase the beauty of the Philippines. Particularly the beauty of SCTEX and Subic Bay

    Since Smart Sports has committed to support Philippine marathon in the long run, we ask for the running community’s understanding and patience as Smart is very new to this. Smart has already pledged to support several international marathons for 2010 and we assure the running community that through partnerships with seasoned race organizers, we will make these marathons enjoyable and memorable which running enthusiasts (both local and foreign) can look forward to each year.

    Smart – we’re helping sports… we’re helping running…

    Maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat!

    Patrick “Pato” Gregorio

    Head - Smart Sports

    As an avid basketball fan as well, I remember Pato Gregorio as the creative guy who nearly became the commissioner of the PBA. According to insiders, he had the most comprehensive and clear-cut plan for the country's premier basketball league. Too bad he didn't make it. I want to see if he can apply the same vision to the running community. With all the lessons learned with their maiden foray into running, I am hopeful that SIM 2010 would be executed much more efficiently, and with greater concern towards the welfare of the runners.

  • Rewakening My Inner Singlet Ho : A Trip Through Memory Lane

    Rewakening My Inner Singlet Ho : A Trip Through Memory Lane

    Main Entry: sin·glet
    Pronunciation: \ˈsiŋ-glət\
    Function: noun
    Date: circa 1746

    1 chiefly British : an athletic jersey; also : a collarless men's undergarment for the upper part of the body

    Mr. Webster looks good in his old-school singlet

    Chiefly British. Hmmm. Why was I not surprised? Only those dudes could take the sando and make it sound so sosy.So you're a singlet Ho. Yeah, admittedly. As I was writing my previous piece on newbie gaffes, I had mentioned there that the Adidas KOTR's singlet had taken my fancy. It's much akin to what you could buy at a store for like 700 or 800 bucks, and under that prevailing logic not only can you get the fancy singlet for a much cheaper price, you get a free fancy race as well.

    As far as I know, you can get the singlets at their Running Expo this Saturday and Sunday at Megamall's Megatrade Hall, some ginormous event with fashion shows, running clinics and seminars. Not bad for 500 bucks eh? But dang, I can't wait that long! UGH. Must ... . get... hands... . on ... . KOTR singlet... ..

    I still likey. NOW.
    Anyway, my thought process was jarred from its otherwise halcyon state as the ghosts of singlets past suddenly came back to haunt me. Singlets come in all shapes and sizes. Some are training-run worthy, some go straight to the bottom shelf cabinet for posterity. Others are spectacular, while most just plain suck. I've even come across some that are "large" but couldn't fit my younger sister if I had one.

    With that in mind, I'll try to run you through some of the singlets that I have come across in the past, and how they measure up.
    Well, for me its still the coolest singlet ever, and I'm not just saying that because Boss Jinoe will fire me if I dont :P Our unofficial uniform during Sunday races, it's the "legacy" limited edition singlet that was given during the Condura Run Carbo-Loading Party several months back. I bet the singlet would do very well on the black market :P

    The Airspeed Run
    Anyone remember this? This came from the era where Coach Rio was dabbling in the utilitarian, "tipid meals shut up and dont whine you only paid 250 bucks for this" style of singlet. I mean seriously, ask anyone. These were virtually unwearable in real life. Fabric was substandard, and even after losing like 30 pounds I still could not squeeze myself into one. Sigh, the good ol' days.

    Men's Health Miracle Run
    Still remains to be one of my personal favorites. Was well made, had a cool design, and was an upgrade over the shirt that came with the first incarnation. Everyone was raving about it.. until they turned the singlet and saw a big "Frenzy" logo there. So much for wholesome family running fun. Oh, and yeah I'm still waiting for the official results.

    Auto Review Run

    Did you run this? Thought so too. But this is where my singlet hoeness came to the forefront. Saw the jpegs, thought it was awesome, left the office to register even if I had absolutely no intention of running it. Was somewhat disappointed with its substandard material and weird fit. Tito Caloy had fun running the race though.

    Botak Ultramarathon 50k
    Milestone run for me, and wonderful, personalized singlet that elicited quite a stir at the time. I still sleep with it under my pillow at night.

    Globe Run For Home
    I remember. Everyone was so excited about this race.Including me. First mainstream disposable chip-timed race. I was so excited that I risked running this on no training and still in recovery. Blew out my ITB as a result . Anyway, just as excitement was reaching fever pitch, the Coach Rio version 2.0 singlet was released. And tadah! Amidst tremendously high expectations, collective jaws dropped. Nuff said.

    So with all these in mind, this finally brings us to...

    Adidas King of the Road
    Yahoo! Yay! Prayers answered! It's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Fit is wonderful too! It rocks so much that I may very well ghost register someone just to get a spare, in case something happens to it. Haha just kidding of course. Yeah. Haha.

    But if you do see me on Saturday or Sunday at Megatrade Hall, let's just make it our dirty little Gingerbread secret okay? :P

    If you have any "vintage"singlets you may want to see the light of day, send me images through the Gingerbread Mailbox on the home page and lets do something fun with it :)

  • Goose Creek Candle give away, and 25% off entire order

    Goose Creek Candle give away, and 25% off entire order
    1-MBD Golden hour shots-0242

    With the evenings turning dark sooner, and cooler temperatures making spending time inside more, and more appealing it’s time to light up a beautiful scented candle and curl up on the couch. Read on to find out how you can win your own candle. When Goose Creek Candle Company asked me if I would like to review their American Heirloom scented jar candles, and let me choose one so they could send it to me, I was happy to do so. I rarely review products on my blog, and I am rather particular about those I do work with.

    2-MBD Golden hour shots-0246

    Goose Creek’s candles have a array of wonderful fragrances that come in nostalgic glass jars, with embossed silver metal tops that fit snugly. The candle’s clean design, and shape fit all decor, the fragrance adding a enticing note to Autumn evenings. I really liked the double wicks, and the generous sizing.


    There are many scents to choose from, and the hardest part is making a choice, do you choose apple bourbon, gingerbread crisp, or maybe whipped pumpkin latte, I ended up choosing the delectable dark vanilla bean, and I love it.

    5-MBD Golden hour shots-0251

    For a chance to win your very own Goose Creek scented jar candle, leave me a comment on this post telling me which fragrance you would choose. The contest is open until midnight Friday October 12, 2012. Goose Creek Candle company is kindly opening this contest to both US, and Canadian readers, and will ship directly to the winner. Click here to take a look at the selection that they offer.

    4-MBD Golden hour shots-0265

    Goose Creek Candle company is also offering you 25% off of your entire purchase [use coupon code 1050] until October 31, 2012 you can take your time dreaming about the perfect fragrance, and stock up for gift giving, order one for yourself, you deserve it. Ah… the dark vanilla bean scent in my house…

  • The Adidas Adizero Tempo Review : Form and Functionality?

    The Adidas Adizero Tempo Review : Form and Functionality?

    So you read the header and it's gonna be one of those reviews again. Yes, it's one of those write-ups that would hinge on my verbose and completely un-expertlike opinion. But before we talk about this... .

    Let's go back a couple of years... ... .

    OBMC High. 1999.
    As I had mentioned before, was never really a fan of Adi Dassler's creations. Okay maybe I was . Once. I took the plunge a long time ago, from a time and place that seems to have been relegated to the far recesses of my mind. Wore the Kobe Bryant KB8 "Feet You Wear" shoe during my senior year just because they looked so different from any basketball shoe that was on the market at the time. It was the new "in" thing. And in high school's ever changing lexicon of social stratification, different + new = social status level up.

    My ticket to high school social status nirvana
    Lord I'm such as sucker for effective advertising (x_x). I thought they were the coolest things ever, bragged about them incessantly, could have sworn they improved my standing from "freaky tall geek" to "he's just really strange don't mind him he has cool shoes anyway".

    Geeky GBM got a boost with them chickies

    But then the real test came when I had to play ball with it. With a lot of confidence, I went up for a fancy "tapboard" (people who played high school ball could relate), made my best Kobe impression and BAM I fell with a thud, breaking my ankle in three places. Strangely enough, my juvenile incarnation blamed the Adidas shoes for that, swore it to high heavens, and never wore another pair again... ..

    Until now.

    Flash forward to 2009, and lo and behold I have a pair of Adidas Adizero Tempos staring me in the face. Literally begging for a shot at redemption. Like a scorned lover acceding to one last shot at reconciliation, I took a leap of faith and went for it. Did it work out? Let's see how my 3-week dalliance with an old flame has worked out so far.

    What's on the label :

    It is a lightweight running shoe designed to give runners comfort and support over long distances. ForMotion stability adapts to the ground for improved handling and stability and the pro-moderator medial support device prevents overpronation. The TORSION SYSTEM gives midfoot integrity and adiPRENE in the forefoot maintains propulsion and efficiency.

    The air mesh upper gives maximum ventilation and the perforated EVA tongue gives additional lightweight comfort and breathability. The dual-layer anti-microbial adiLite-respoEVA sockliner controls odor and gives added step in comfort. Finally, the adiWEAR outsole offers the ultimate in high-wear durability.

    Dazed Reader, through SMS : WOAH. BLAH BLAH BLAH. You're talking Greek here! What the fudge was that all about???

    Okay, okay. Let me give it a shot.

    What I understood of the Adidas jargon mumbo jumbo :

    The cushioning system of the shoe is backstopped by its hyped- up Formotion technology utilizing Adiprene 45 . The logic behind it is that you have a well-cushioned heel but not enough to make it bounce around during hard runs. Note, too much bounce = pain and suffering . Some more seasoned runners may view this as completely "babying" heel strikers, but that's one of the reasons why the Tempo is quite enticing to newbie runners.

    In addition, mild overpronators can count on the shoes aptly named pro-moderator system to negate the level of pronation, utilizing two plastic heel plates that slow side-to-side movement.

    And if just to avoid more jargon, the shoe has features which make it very breathable inside and minimize stitching, while providing good forefoot touch-off cushioning for the fast people out there.


    The Tempo has been touted as the "performance stability" shoe in the Adizero series, providing the benefits of a lightweight racer along with enough stability to prevent you from blowing up your plantar or ITB. To those relatively unfamiliar with the Adizero line, these have been touted to be the lightest in their class, and have the distinction of being the shoes running legend Haile Gebrselassie used when he broke the marathon world record at Berlin.

    Haile on Yellow Adizeroes en route to the WR

    Weight Implication - Injuries, Training and Racing
    Its main selling point is that at barely 300 grams, the Tempos are nearly a 100 grams lighter than my old light stability shoes. Upon wearing them, you would barely feel that there's any resistance there at all. You can accelerate without the weird clunky feeling. At first, I was very apprehensive to try these out, as they look like the eye candy shoes you would wear to the mall and it seemed to me that any form of running on these would blow out my knee. Initially thought that these were limited to neutrals, but after nearly a month of using them, the injuries have thankfully been nowhere in sight. And to think I was coming off a bout with ITB. Whew.

    Still look good despite taking a beating from the rain

    After a few weeks on this, an attempt to use my old light stabs gave the feeling of having ten-pound weights on my foot. The difference was very noticeable. How noticeable? A good example was my tempo training on consecutive days. Same splits, same level of fitness, different shoes. With the old shoes, my best split was a 5:10/ km. The following day, same thing, I miraculously lowered it to a 4:40. I highly doubt I could have shaved 30 seconds off my split in a day. Was it the shoes? Placebo? Whatever it may have been, happy camper right here.

    Racing-wise, two weeks later I set a 10k PR of 50:14 with the Tempos, shaving nearly a minute and a half off my previous best. The time was good enough for 26th place at Ayala Eco-Dash, which made me an even happier camper. Pertinent factors to keep in mind : No changes in training, weird level of fitness coming off an injury. Could it have been the shoes? You be the judge of that.

    Other stuff that you need to know, just in case:

    These are NOT wide shoes. When you first slip into them, coming from say a Mizuno or New Balance, your feet would feel constricted and with no wiggling room. I'm a US size 12, and these usually afford sufficient toe allowance. These ... did not. First time I ran on them they were so tight that I got near blisters on my toes.

    I was about to completely give up on them and sell them to the people at (even if I knew that they're going to ask for a ton of discounts) when the pain started to... disappear. Now I don't even notice it's there.It took about two weeks worth of break-in to get the job done. So for the well-endowed people out there, either you adjust your size or break it in well before racing it.

    Final Take

    Overall I find this to be the quintessential, aesthetically pleasing shoe that strives to synergize both form and functionality. For neutrals to mild overs looking for a highly serviceable speedwork or raceday shoe, this brings significant eye candy points to the table with decent stability to boot. Should you fall under this category, this is a very strong option right here.

    So how would I evaluate the three-week reco with my old flame? Love affairs come and go, that's the nature of the beast. As one leaves for greener pasture, another comes in to fill the void. Everything that happens in between? Oftentimes forgotten. But sometimes, all it takes is a single spark to reignite the connection.

    I hated Adidas. They broke my ankle.

    But after three weeks of PR's and good races...

    Guess old flames aren't so bad the second time around.