My Way of Living + Story

Will you be my bloggy Valentine?

Remember grade school Valentine's day celebrations? Rough textured construction paper, white sticky glue in a plastic bottle.
Dull scissors squeaking as their metal blades clashed against each other.
Cutting out giant heart shapes. Stinky felt pens carefully filling in hand drawn letters.

Yellow primrose

Scotch taped paper pouch"mailboxes" that hung off the edge of your desk at school?
The faint hope of it being so full the next day that it would burst.
Anticipation, giggling, and the worry that you would be one of those kids who only got a few valentines, mostly from the teachers, and no one else? Tongue sticking out of the corner of your mouth in concentration. You carefully inscribed your name onto the back of 30 brightly colored, gender very specific Valentines, because your Mom insisted you be nice to everyone.
When the red tinged, heart shaped day dawned you found yourself counting, and comparing totals with your classmates. Delving deep into the rough corners of the paper mailbox in case any errant Valentines went uncounted.
Gazing enviously at the"popular" girls with their overflowing mailboxes, some so full their Valentines were cascading onto the dusty school floor, slipping out the stapled sides of their pouches.

Valentines day candies

Times have changed. Valentine's Day doesn't have to hold the key to your heart, you don't need to be married, in love, a kid, or a sweetheart to enjoy this day.
And isn't that wonderful?
Freeing in a way.
Life is so much better now.
I heart that we have learned to encourage people to break free of the more traditional thoughts that Valentine's Day is only for those in passionate relationships.
We can bake cupcakes for our neighbors. Give our dog, and cat pet cookies, craft homemade cards for our friends, and send happy emails of loving thoughts to everyone we know! It's the perfect holiday…pink, and red, charming, and cute…and you get to eat sweets. No construction paper required. I heart Valentine's Day. So I'm wondering are you planning on spreading a little V day love around?
Cupcakes, cookies, warm socks? Kitty treats, doggy donuts?

Potato buns

Dough you say it's so! If you're not into sweet stuff…there is a"todiefor" recipe on my DoughyGoodness MBD Pinterest board. It's a simple recipe for potato buns from Crazy for Crust. Of course I had to make sure it was as good as I thought they might be before recommending them, and you know what? They are even better! Her recipe uses potato flakes instead of potato water, rising into a bun that is soft, and splendidly moist, with a butter infused delight of a crust. I brush them with melted butter, then sprinkle Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, rosemary, and a dash of sea salt, before baking them in my cast iron frying pan. I heart homemade potato buns! Happy Valentine's Day to you.

Blog, dash, Dream, HAPPY, Home, HOPE, Seasons, and more:

Will you be my bloggy Valentine? + Story