My Way of Living + Words

Winter vignettes–what to shoot in the dark days

Much as I’m trying to embrace

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winter, and learning to appreciate it’s snowy beauty, it does make photography very challenging. The cold, and snowy weather along with the thought of slipping on a icy road with an expensive camera and lens hanging off of my shoulder isn’t that appealing. I can’t hang the camera around my neck it irritates it too much so I usually have it in my hand or hanging off of my shoulder. If I go out for a walk in the winter the camera has to stay home, sulking.

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To take up the slack I shoot vignettes indoors using available light from a bright window, and a reflector. On gloomy days the early darkening afternoons mean I can only shoot for a few precious minutes but the light from the brilliant white snow does help.

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Flowers are a wonderful subject to shoot, the brilliant petals, and glowing colors so easy to capture. Look around your house for found objects and choose those that call to you… it doesn’t have to be an expensive item, ordinary onions make great subjects, along with a head of garlic, and maybe some potatoes, or carrots. Have you looked at a cabbage lately? The greens, the swirls, the wrinkles, luminous, and pearly, so dreamy.

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Fruit of any kind, especially citrus is great fun, I love the deep tones, and the bumpy skin. Silver the more tarnished the better pairs nicely with seashells, and starfish, fine china, and bird’s nests, feathers all make a willing subject. Don’t forget your furry friends, if they are willing to pose, they can be very interesting models.

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Make your portable studio easy and quick to set up and dismantle, too much effort and you won’t be bothered. I’ve got a few old weathered boards that I use, and even a nice piece of velvet can make a great backdrop. If you don’t have a reflector use a inexpensive piece of white cardboard from the dollar store. Look at thrift stores for unusual props, dishes, trays, bowls, start your collection and add to it as you come across suitable items.

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I set up on my kitchen table, which is great, until I need to clear it off for dinner… The gloomy days of winter won’t last forever, if you can’t get outside, at least you can keep that shutter finger happy by shooting indoor vignettes for now. I’m sure I’ve missed tons of potential subjects so be sure to add yours in the comments.

HAPPY, Life, race, road, and more:

Winter vignettes–what to shoot in the dark days + Words