My Way of Living + Words

Pinterest picks–all natural floor cleaner

If you have laminate floors

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and wet shoes you know that smudges, drips, and splotches are inevitable. Our front door does double duty as the main entry way and everything comes through those doors, snow groceries, wet shoes kitties with dirty feet and visitors. I usually use our steam mop and it does a great job of getting rid of any marks or splotches on the floor, but sometimes I just don’t feel like hauling it out.

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So this simple hint I found on Pinterest from Nature’s nurture’s blog is super easy to mix up, and easy to apply. Just mix one cup of rubbing alcohol, one cup of vinegar, one cup of water and a few drops of dish detergent, and pour into a spray bottle. Mist floors and clean with a microfiber cloth… or micro fibre mop like I use.

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And it can be used on stainless steel, countertops, faucets, mirrors… and other hard household surfaces. She does mention if you find the smell of vinegar too harsh you can add some essential oils to mask it… I just cut the vinegar down slightly.and it doesn’t bother us too much. I find that all natural castile soap, and oxygen bleach also make great cleaners and are environmentally safe. And I will tell you all about them another day… it’s late, I am writing this the night before and I… am… falling… asleep.

Blog, Life, shoes, and more:

Pinterest picks–all natural floor cleaner + Words