The house hunting series:

Everyone has a dream home in their mind, the perfect place, situated in a great neighbourhood, with a wonderful garden, or no garden at all. We all have that mental list of needs, wants, and will not’s. For some its lots of bedrooms, not too many bedrooms, huge kitchen, cosy kitchen, bright, sunny, or shady and secluded. We are all different in what we consider the perfect dream home.

The trick is to decide which needs are the most important, which “will not’s” you definitely won’t put up with, and what a “want versus a need” is. If a big kitchen is important, or lots of storage, you probably won’t be happy looking at cottages. Or if you are looking for privacy, then you won’t be content near a busy street. Or if you don’t want to be next to a school, then that’s a “will not.”

It’s a good thing to do your homework before you contact a Realtor, because one of the first subjects to come up will be what are you looking for, and where? We knew what we wanted right from the beginning, we knew our budget, and we knew our general area. Of course things change, and they have been doing that throughout our entire search. But knowing what was a deal breaker, and what was a want, makes it much easier to find a home that suits our needs, and saves time for both of us.

And I am sure it makes our Realtor’s job that much easier also. Jane @ Muddy Boot Dreams If you would like to read more about our adventure in house hunting, and believe me it’s been a ride, here are some links to my previous posts. How your camera can help sell your home Why cell phones are such a great house hunting tool Our dream home, perfection is only a renovation away Why house hunting on the internet is like online dating More house hunting horrors 5 easy tips to “not sell your home” Ice houses, and dust bunnies House hunting, it continues