I’m joining up with Heather [who is this weeks host of No Winter Whining], Laura, I’m so vintage, and Lynn and you can too can link up at Heather’s blog, Life is a garden, and link your Finding color in winter post. The link up will be open until Thursday, and don’t forget to “like” our NWW page on Facebook, and join in our Pinterest boards. Anyone can join in the fun, even if your winter is sandy between your toes. Finding color in winter was

rather challenging in our white on white land that I now call winter. I wanted something with a little boost to it, some real color not just the muted winter tones that I see through my winter windows. To find color in winter my camera and I went for a walk on a long shadowed day filled with weak sunshine, we saw so much white. Then we came upon the stark and beautiful bare branches of dormant trees, the skies were blue but… I really had to search to find some more color.

I found some gorgeous frozen Mountain Ash berries, a real bird treat, and a welcome splash of color in my winter world. This is one tree I am going to have to remember to plant in my backyard this spring.

The fire hydrant, bright red on white snow, up here they need to send crews around to dig them out after the snowstorms so they can be found quickly and easily if they are needed. We can get a lot of snow up here.

I headed on over to the park to look at the street signs, they had some color in winter, the red of the stop sigh, the yellow of the slow down it’s a park zone, and the “you are not allowed in here after dark” signs.

Then I came upon the red Canada post mailbox, it’s brilliant bright red a welcome color in winter.

This one must be broken, it only delivers bills, they should fix that. By then my fingers were frozen, so I headed back home to see what my camera had captured. I would love to see what everyone else has found for color in winter, and if you would like to see also head on over to the link up at Life is a garden. Next week I am hosting the link up, and the subject is Structure in Winter, again we are leaving it up to your imagination as to what that would mean. I look forward to seeing you again next Sunday.