The dryer hums a happy song while spinning tea towels round. Kettle rises to it's boil, steam spews, water in the cup, spicy coconut Chai scented kitchen. All is well, quiet, there is joy in a peaceful moment.

Cat tummy full, quiet now, lazily entertaining himself in his red nylon tunnel, lurking in wait for unsuspecting servants to wander by. Birds outside the kitchen window flutter as the cold floors seeps through my socks. Idle gaze watches them feast. Tea bag squeezed, brown sugar added, quick stir with the silver spoon. Mail piled on the counter, unopened, nothing important, ignored for now. Dainty plate, chocolate eclair, whipping cream finger tips licked, taste of decadence, chocolate smears mingle in the coconut and cardamon scented air. White tea cup. Quiet spot in the house. Cat deserts his tunnel, work done for the moment. Settling in to nap away the afternoon at my feet. The dryer stops with one last spin. Towels can be folded later. Quiet moments while the house sits with breath held deep do not wait long. Not for anyone.

School bus rumbles in a long yellow flash outside hurrying to it's destination.
The reminder of a country road that needs to be walked still. But I linger. This moment is for me. Drips fall from a snow laden rooftop, twisting down icicles. Snow fog creeps through the white garden, sun hides behind mountains, glimmering through tall trees. The quiet spills out of the doorways, slides down the floors, coats the walls. Softly transparent, easily filling the house. And still I sit, the soft snores of a fur laden foot warmer at my feet. I've made my peace with January…there is joy once again. This moment is mine, I sip my tea. Daydreams wander through my head, a chorus of happiness… And that's fine with me.

100 % Canadian content,
All words and images written, and taken by Jane Vandervoort.