Sharing shots of life, and the farm we are staying at.

Welcome to Farm Friday, I thought I would share some shots of this beautiful farm that we are staying on before we move to our new home. Baby it might be cold outside here, it’s now a balmy –15 C, but it was nasty weather yesterday with – 20C, and all of your lovely comments have warmed my heart. Thank you and we are so looking forward to moving into our new house. And I can’t wait to show you shots of it as soon as we get there, you just have to be patient, we move in the beginning of February. And it seems like Brenda from A Cosy Little House’s new series is going to be very popular. If you missed the introductions, here’s a link to my post. Be sure to go and meet each of the 5 bloggers participating. This is one you won’t want to miss, we will be posting every Thursday.

The Farm It’s a huge 150 acre farm, nestled in the hills of the North Okanagan. They grow asparagus, strawberries, turf, corn, and pumpkins, and all of it is for sale in the summer.

The Okanagan asparagus is known for it’s crisp green stems, and it’s popular with locals who buy it off the farm stand, and with retailers, and restaurants that feature it on their menus.

When the spring rolls around, [and it can’t be soon enough for us gardeners] those green shoots will push their way up from the cold ground. As soon as things start to grow I will be able to show you the funny contraptions they use to pick asparagus, it’s reminiscent of a old biplane. The pickers lay face down on long narrow beds, think of a surfer paddling out to sea, except instead of water, they are floating over beds of asparagus.

Sprinklers stand on guard drained for winter, but come spring they will be busy watering the asparagus fields. The fields may lay dormant for now, but soon as the weather warms, it’s going to be a busy place.