You know that [tongue in cheek] bandwagon, the one it seems everyone has seemed to jump on at times… oh not not me, not you.
The trends that seem to pop up overnight like a bad case of fairy mushrooms in your otherwise perfectly manicured green front lawn. [I don’t have one, so please don’t point fingers at that analogy, a PMGFL that is, not the fairy rings, have lots of those].
The ones that seem to have more staying power then a bad smell in the kitchen when company is coming by any minute? Yes those trends…
Well I’m glad that they are either gone, going, or on their way out. Thank goodness.

Bad, and/or going away:
Chevron stripes:Sigh, enough said, especially when they show up as blog backgrounds… crossed eyes anyone? That was one bandwagon that was running out of control when it started to show up on Pinterest as duck tape festooned shower curtains made of painters drop cloths.
Snow on blogs:A lovely mock snowstorm, extremely effective at causing your eyes to follow the specks repeatedly down and across the screen until you could no longer see the words. And I’ve heard that they caused loading problems and have been linked to viruses.
Massive giveaways to get followers: Contest open only to US residents… include every one or don’t bother at all.
Jumping through hoops to enter said give away: If I wanted to “like” you on Facebook, pin your blog post, and tell 15 of my closest friends about your giveaway I would do that, coercing me to do so just to get one more entry really isn’t nice.
Icons that move: Maybe I’m just getting older seasoned, but those moving icons that precede comments are driving me batty. I find text small enough without a symbol blinking on and off in my peripheral view distracting my poor train of thought.
Word verification: Can’t, won’t, don’t care if they switch it up with numbers… one try maybe if you are new and don’t know about this, and then I am so out of there. I’ve not been able to comment on a few really lovely and well written blogs because of word verification.
Side bar awards: A lovely idea that has seen it’s time come and go, isn’t life cluttered enough already.

Now here’s the good stuff
Shiny new bloggers: It’s so nice to meet new bloggers, those enthusiastic comments are so welcome, and make us seasoned bloggers jump for joy, everyone likes to share in the fun. And if you need help just ask we love to give advice, some of it is even good.
Tribes, and villages: Yes it truly does take a village to write a blog, the comments left by everyone had me floating on air… I do so appreciate you reading my blog, and being in my village.
Helpful bloggers: When you have a problem, who you going call? Blog busters… those wonderful bloggers who if they don’t have the answer will try to figure it out for you, we all need those kind of bloggers in our village.
And to those bloggers who are always coming up with great tutorials, and tips for the rest of us, go bloggers!
All the new gadgets and hacks to come: It’s always fun to find a new gadget to add to your blog, or a new way of doing something, thank you to all who help us out and keep our blogs looking shiny and bright.

That’s just a small list, and I am sure that you will have some loves and dislikes to add yourself in your comment.
Meanwhile keep on blogging!