After a few days things with this new computer are beginning to settle in. But it is amazing how many passwords we rely on the computer to remember. I know it’s probably not the best thing to let it do that, but after the 150th consecutive password…well you get the picture. And each time the program asks in a rather polite way, “is it really you?” Well, who else would it be? I still have lots to do, and one of the problems is how to down load the enormous amount of photos, working that one out will take some time. Doing this short post is a test to see if the new version of Windows live writer is working, and to say I have something rather exciting coming up soon. So keep tuned, and I will let you know as soon as the details are finalized. For now I am going back to populating my bare cupboards of this new PC.
My Way of Living + Style
Is it really you?