Winter I know things change they must and it’s good. But you are not who you used to be when I was young. When I was a child you were restless, and everywhere, large and looming, exciting, I looked forward to seeing you, I wondered when you would visit us you were my favourite season. When you scattered snowflakes on my upturned face I giggled with the joy of it all.
Now I dread those first snowflakes, and I wonder when and if you will ever leave, winter why did you change? You are everywhere, on the trees, the ground, you take my flowers away, and make it hard to drive anywhere. Why did you change, and when?

The layers of clothing I wore as a child kept out your bitter lashing cold but I didn’t mind, because I didn’t feel cold then. Now I feel the sting of the icy breath you breathe all over me, I shiver and am never warm, when did you change winter?

I used to play in your snow with joyous abandon, now I grumble as I shovel masses of it away, when did you change winter? When did you become a chore, and not a joy.

Or maybe it is I who have changed.
Maybe the glow of childhood dimmed, and winters true colors and cold are showing. I have to learn to see beyond the childhood memory and see the reality the truth that cold as you are you are still my beloved childhood winter. Let’s be friends again, even if both of us have changed.