Tomorrow is our one year anniversary. A few days ago my beloved turned to me and said, it’s almost our first anniversary… my mind roamed frantically. Was it a romantic anniversary, the day we met, the day we first dated, the day… did I forget something? One year ago we slept the last night in our little condo, Boo terrified by the lack of furniture and the noise the bare echoing walls made lurked under the blow up bed all night.

Little did he know what a adventure he was in for, sharing his life with two dogs on the farm, and then another move into a great big forever house with his very own territory to roam in.

His life has changed so much for the better, and so has ours. Dreams do come true, we know that, sometimes they change a little, well a lot along the way, but they are still the dreams that you dream.

I am thankful that we were transplanted up here when we were. My family has gone through a pretty stressful year, there’s been cancer, illnesses, laughs and love.

I would rather be here to share it with my family then down on the coast, aching to be with them. Those five hours of driving have kept us too far away, and I don’t know how we would have dealt with it without being here.

Now we live where we only once dreamed of being… It’s been a year in more ways than one.