I love windows live writer for blogging. It seems to have simplified my life, and made blogging fun again.
It was all gravy until I made a few changes to my blog, and then kaput, like the oven element that blew up our Thanksgiving turkey, things changed. I have no idea what color, or font the header to this post is going to be, let’s live on the wild side today. Yes, go and look above, and let me know. It’s supposed to be a rusty brown, and the font is supposed to be Gigi. Most likely it’s something totally different… hmmm.
And I know that I shouldn’t point this out to you, but it’s driving me batty, [Halloween coming up and all]. But how on earth does the header get squished over into the right hand corner?
Everything was fine, really, I closely cropped my new header, and put it up with fingers crossed, at 1024 pixels, but somehow it’s jammed into the corner. Any ideas? Does yours do that? Can you tell me what to do?
And do you like it? Is the color too yucky? On my computer it’s a warm bisque, but I am wondering what it’s like on yours. Tell me it’s not some nasty pea soup color, oh please, LOL. Anyways, I remain, for now at least, until the computer changes that too.
My Way of Living + Light
It’s all gravy till it goes bad