My Way of Living + Story

Finding our centers

The world is a beautiful place, almost always.
But at times it can also be a disruptive swirling mess.
And I find that sometimes to write a honest, truthful.
Blog post.

You are here, leaf

That uplifts, engages, and inspires.
Without venting.
Or complaining.
To share parts of my life, the happy parts.
The good parts.
In a thousand words.
The honest, truly real parts.
Without the bad, the overly sad.
Or the awful added in for that wow effect.
Sometimes for me.
It turns out to be one of the hardest things I can strive to achieve at times.
To keep my voice real, authentic, natural.
To come to the computer after a dazzlingly difficult day, and flush it all away.
Bend those fingers over the keyboard, focus the eyes on the screen.
And look inward, to my center, to find something good to write about.
Something good that you, who take the time to visit this blog.
Can take away.

Feather in sunlight

Mull over, think about.
Enjoy looking at.
And feel good after reading.
Because I think we all need that.
It can be a challenge at times.
But life is all about challenges isn’t it?
And you, who read what I write.
Who look at what I photograph.
Who know me through this blog.
And beyond.
You who leave comments that make me think, dream, and warm my heart.
Well you, are so worth it.
So I want to know?
What about you?
How do you manage to come to the blogging table each time, thinking good thoughts, and being positive.
How do you find your center?
Despite life, and it’s huge array of challenges that we all go through each day.
I need to tell you.
That sometimes for me…
To come here, and write, think, share words, and photos, to connect with all of you.
Who have been here long, and those new.
To not bring to the table the problems that life throws at all of us.
To stand straight, to be cheerful, and pleasant, and smile.
It’s not always easy.

Sky light

And that’s not what this post is about.
I have found that when I take a moment, look inside.
To find my own personal center.
Things change.
They slow down, they stand back and let me breathe.
That’s important to me.
Because this blog is supposed to be fun.
And I want to keep it that way.
I want to grow, to stay fresh.
I can see it in my work, my photos, my words.
When I get to that center.
Bulls eye.
When I can say what I mean, and it shows in my work.
How about you?
What do you do, to find your center, in a swirling world.

Expose a naked niche blogger

Blog, Blogging, Dream, HAPPY, Photography, positive thinking, and more:

Finding our centers + Story