I have to admit, I am not scared of the dark. Just the absence of light! Up in Armstrong it's dark, not ghostly, creepy, horror film kind of dark, but there is a total lack of light. No luminescence from the city, no glow of the streetlights. Without the moon, if you forget the flashlight walking to the camper means you have a very good chance of bumping into a tree. Nothing like heading out from a well lit house, on a dark night, with two dogs circling around your feet, and trees on a dirt path to the camper. Might even have one of the barn cats along for a walk. These definitely are the times I am glad that my GA is with me. I get spooked kind of easy, but nothing bothers him. OK laugh at me wanting to live in the country. But that's why they make flashlights! When the horses nicker, sensing that GA is nearby, and hoping against hope for a midnight snack, it makes me think that there might be a bear around. It's a good possibility. There is less likely hood of intruders, mostly other animals, coyotes, bears, farm dogs. So last night when we were safely tucked up in bed, at our ground floor condo, hashing out the days events, the last thing on my mind was that someone might be out on the deck. But there was this odd scratching noise of something rattling down the window screen. Burglars? Peeping Tom's? Someone wanting a early review of tomorrows blog post? My GA like usual, was unperturbed strange noises don't bother him. But I was a little leery to peer out the window. With all the lights on in the bedroom I can't see outside. But I tried. Nothing, just dark inky blackness."Shhhhhhh!! I can't see anything." So I ran to the patio door, and at first I could not see anything. Suddenly a small dark grey shadow started scratching at the glass. And meowing. It was the"Hussy". She had been hanging out on our deck earlier during the day. We offered her some food, but she was not hungry, just lonely. She has a cute collar and a bell. She looks well fed, and solid. Now she had decided that she would like to take us up on that earlier offer of food. And she was lonely, and needed a hug. Once my heart calmed down, we fed her, and sent her on her way. Hoping that she would return to her home. "What is it with this place, it's a haven for stray cats!" GA grumbled. After all the Hussy was our third cat of the day. I just think that all the cats let each other know, where it is safe to visit, and who is sympathetic to feeding them. I [we] would not have it any other way.
My Way of Living + Things
Things that go bump in the night!