These golden days of summer are mine, for basking in the late summer light, storing up the feeling of sun on my bare skin, hoping that the memory will last through a wet, and cold, dark winter. These golden days are mine in payment for those stark wet times when the camera can’t go outside. These golden days are for building up a inventory of images that I can work on during the long evenings when shadows nip at the walls.

There is no welcome for the cold temperatures in my heart, I am relishing these golden days, only the late summer sun can offer. As a gardener these golden days offer a promise of autumnal colors deepening, seed pods ripening, flowers fading, and grasses drying. As a photographer these golden days offer a light that is rarely seen during high summer, edging now towards the darkness waiting just over the horizon.

Winter is the time to process photos, when the rain splatters against my window, darkening my life. But these golden days of summer belong to me, for now.