Everybody likes neat and tidy all organized, the messy stuff all in a nutshell. After all Fall is approaching and after that comes winter. The squirrel outside on our front lawn likes neat and tidy also, so he’s busily dropping fir cones like there is no tomorrow. Is it considered littering if you drop hundreds, no thousands of fir cones on someone’s front lawn? Except he doesn’t like to pick up after himself, and if he doesn’t get tidy soon there might not be a tomorrow. Now I realize that sounds like a threat, it does doesn’t it? Good.

That squirrel is one busy body, jumping from branch to branch, and he has the nerve to chatter at us down below as we once again pick up the pieces of his busy life. The ground is so littered with fir cones from just one tree that we have picked up several large piles of them. You can’t put your foot down without stepping on them, and they make a nasty crunching noise, like dead insects.

They don’t compost well, and take forever to do so, so there they sit all the cones that just a few hours ago were up the tree. I suppose there is a bright side to all the chattering and littering, it keeps the Boo fascinated. He loves to watch the squirrels, they have come within 2 feet of each other, but no worries, Boo is too well fed, and too fat to get anything that moves faster then a snail.

When the winter storms come, we will have that much less to clean up. Raking again… Now, I fully realize there isn’t a photo of the squirrel, and these are not fir trees… right, they are all I have. Bootsie is meowing for his after dinner/before bedtime snack, I can hardly keep my eyes open, I write at night, and looking at those tree shots is giving me vertigo, seriously… lol. This too shall have to do… Jen