The email seemed innocuous enough - Celebrate the Life of President Cory Aquino, be one of 200 to take on the Heroes Run.
As a registered member of Iamninoy runners one is apt to get these emails from time to time, from an obviously well-meaning organizing committee. Held to commemorate the 40th day of her passing, it is to be held on September 9 at the Ayala Triangle where runners will be doing 1.2 km loops around the area. What further piqued my fancy was the exclusivity of the event as "only the first 200 to register will qualify for the run." Goodie, I can actually do something tangible to honor Tita Cory's legacy in my own little way.
My giddiness evaporated when I ran across the time - 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. On a Wednesday. With a nota bene stating "please come early before the 4:30 starting time". Um, okay. I guess that means that obviously... . I can't go. Along with roughly 80% of the IamNinoy runners who actually hold a 9-5 dayjob.
So what gives? It just defies the imagination that an event which essentially alienates a sizable majority of its core market would come to fruition. Let's face it, majority of those who run are working types who are in it to stay in shape and shave off the pounds. I instantly ran the scenarios in my head that would justify this unconventional schedule. Maybe it was hard to get approval from the Makati city government for a 5 am run. But then again, it's for Tita Cory, they'd be guilt tripping if they said no. Why not at night? Late afternoon say 6ish? Hmmm maybe it's too traffic? But then again, when is it NOT traffic in Makati? Maybe 4:30 pm is ripe for maximum media exposure? No that doesn't make sense at all. Okay I'm stumped. I have absolutely no idea why such a noble cause would rob an overwhelming majority of its potential participants an equitable right to join. Maybe some hardcores would skip work and all, but hey all the yuppies there can empathize with me on how hard it is to justify a leave nowadays.
So who would come then? Entrepreneurs? BPO people? Ultra-rich people who don't need to work? Political types? Professional runners? That's all well and good, absolutely cool. But then again... .
How about the rest of us?
Sorry Tita Cory, maybe next time.