My Way of Living + Time

And the house is happy

I am not getting all new age hippy dippy on you here, but I mean it when I say “our house is happy.” It didn’t tell me so to speak, or give a happy sigh, it’s more of a vibe. A feeling, and it’s giving out a feeling of happy. Does your house speak to you? Really? How, um… interesting. Truly after all these months the house is finally happy. All houses have a vibe, some cheerful, some grim, some comedic, take a good look around at yours, it might not be shouting it out, but it’s there. It’s not words, it’s not the way it’s decorated, it’s a vibe, a feeling, some houses look run down, and sad, they need some attention, fix them up and they come back to life. It’s not the Reno that makes it happy, it’s the attention.


Our house was on the market since last summer, we bought it this winter, it took a while to warm up to us, even during the heat of the summer. Almost as if it felt a little lost, as if missing it’s people, the sounds of children’s laughter, and the joyous barking of little dogs as they ran up the stairs. It certainly took it’s sweet time to make up it’s mind to like us.


The other morning while tidying up the basement, I knew that something had changed, the house felt better. It’s not us, it’s not the decor, it was the house, and it was happy.


Happy, the house is happy with us, and Boo. It shows. It knows we love it, and respect it, and the little changes we are making are making it a better house. I think the house appreciates it, and so do we.


House, I really love you too

Day, HAPPY, RUN, and more:

And the house is happy + Time