Yesterdays post, writing about my wicked twin Comparison and how she made me feel since I wasn’t blogging with the big girls, was real and true to my heart, and so were your comments. I loved, LOVED reading what you wrote, it made me feel so much more in tune with the what I wrote when I poured my heart out to you.
Goodbye Comparison
hello Inspiration.
And hey, most of you made the same choice also, and it’s a good choice for those of us that have decided to be happy with what our blogs are. It’s a kind of bloom where you are planted decision. It’s not a flower blooming in a stone path that can never be moved, it’s a “right now this is good for me” kind of decision. There are other gardens to bloom in, and who knows, maybe one day… or not, it’s totally up to us.

The most interesting thing, “ [and wow do I want to use the word neatest, I know, child of the 60’s. ]” was how much Inspiration takes over from her wicked twin Comparison. Do we all have any idea how inspiring being a fellow blogger is? There were amazing bloggers telling me that they compared their blogs to me, seriously? I am inspired by them, they make me work harder, write tighter, think deeper, and create better images for my blog. They inspire me. I can’t think of a better compliment in the blogging world then “you, or your post inspired me.” And they do, and so should you.

I love that we are all in this together, creating something lasting, after all once on the internet [like bad celebrity photos] it’s there forever. And who knows what that post you write tomorrow will inspire in other bloggers. Maybe you are the seed that sparks the creativity in another blogger, or yourself. And if that’s not blogging for real, and truly, then what is? It’s about Inspiration, not comparison, remember that.

So go out there and write from the heart, pour it out if you choose, create something and share it, post about your dreams, they will come true when they are whispered aloud. I know mine did. Inspired…