More ponderings, and thoughts, than advice. After all the one rule of the internet has to be when in doubt, leave it out. But I have been thinking about blogging boundaries lately, and wondering what criteria each of us uses to decide what to give in, and what to leave out? HOW MUCH DO YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE SHARING, and have you ever OVERSHARED? For me it’s easy, nothing too personal, keep it upbeat as possible, no photos of me, or the family, my husband so dislikes any reference to him on this blog that I have a tell all blog under another name, [just kidding].

We are not as private as we think we are, many times I will overhear a public conversation with rather salacious details, and think to myself, I hope that you are not a blogger. Some bloggers believe in keeping it real, and telling every detail, how about you?

I have a neighbour that loves to have cell phone conversations at 7 am outside in his yard, he feels that since we can’t see him through his high hedge, no one can hear him. He is so wrong. Very wrong, and I almost know his bank balance when I am watering my garden, how could I help but hear, I’ve tried making noise, but to no avail.

Since Muddy Boot Dreams is my business, my blog, and my brand I suppose, I am careful of what details I share, always keeping it as real as possible, but still letting my voice shine through. I try to be the same on the blog, as I am in person. This is me. There was a blog I used to read, written by someone who must have been very unhappy in her life, she documented every disagreement among her siblings in the posts. That’s something that can never be taken back even after the anger of the fight is over. She must have had a stormy relationship because almost every day there was another complaint. It was a little like watching a soap opera, and after a while it became tedious. I can’t read her blog anymore, too much drama.

We all like to know details of the lives of the bloggers we read, I suppose that makes us voyeurs in a way, but in a nice way, since it’s details that are willingly shared. And it’s nice to be able to put a face to a voice. It’s knowing how much to share and when, that’s important. Pondering…