We had the best soft drizzly rain the other day, and everything was perfect. Lush, sweet, scented greens wafted on the breeze, the flowers looked fresher. The spider webs were covered in diamonds. No problem right? Well… For someone with a wee little phobia of “bigger” spiders, knowing where the one that is happily ensconced in her sweet peas, is a really good thing. Not knowing is not good. When I went out again to pick them later that day, the spidery guy was gone. Now we have a problem.

It’s huge, honking big, gigantic enormous, spectacularly overwhelmingly oh my, and I purposefully blurred the photo where he is hanging out so I don’t startle anyone that might be just a little “oh my, OH MY OOOOOOOHHHH MYYYYYY! Not that I have anything other then a small problem, or anything like that, I am just, well, better at knowing where he is, then imagining him crawling in to my bed in the middle of the night, or hanging out there somewhere in the doorway, so he can jump into the back of my sweatshirt, and crawl down and bite me where I can’t reach him, and send me screaming, or hide in my teacup. And don’t you dare tell me he won’t hurt me, he is just out there waiting for me to turn my back, and he is… oh what the… where’s the RAID? Anything, hairspray, bring me chemicals now!!!

[I’m joking, I don’t do anything to them, just freaking out here.] So, did I mention that I have a slight phobia about overly large, [and I don’t care if it is a he or a she] spiders? Who me? Jane