I don’t know if anyone else is suffering from the Blogger Blues, but if you are, my misery would love some company. Blogger requires me to sign in with my entire password, and user name every time I leave a comment on one of your [Blogger] blogs. This is becoming a very frustrating hassle for me. And I am getting very short tempered with Blogger.
At first, I thought that some bloggers had changed their way of leaving comments, but that wasn’t the answer. After I am forced to type in my full user name, and password for the 6th time, I am so not inclined to leave a comment. Because Blogger won’t accept it even if it is correct the first time. It’s finicky that way.
I have checked the help forums, and there are others who are experiencing this annoying difficulty also. But apparently there are not enough of us complaining for them to do anything about it.
The quick answer from Blogger was, we were not allowing third party cookies, we all do. It has not gone away. Clearing the cache is not the answer. Anyone with a working solution would be gladly received. Signing out of Gmail is not the answer for me either. Nothing seems to work.
And on the subject of comments, may I be so bold as to ask.very humbly?
For those bloggers who moderate their comments before publishing, would you please consider not also having word verification? Having to type out the word verification, along with my entire password, and user name is making me less inclined to leave comments. I am sure there are many readers out there that feel the same way, and yes we all hate spam. But you would have caught any spam comments before you published them.
Sorry, but that’s the way I feel about it, maybe you have a different opinion.
So if you are suffering from the same Blogger Blues that I am, would you please let me know what you have done to fix this? Or if you can’t seem to fix it, would you contact Blogger? The more bloggers who bring this to their attention, the better.
If you don’t suffer from the Blogger Blues, consider yourself lucky, it’s bound to catch up to you someday.
We will now return to our regularly scheduled posts, all full of flowers and good will.