Wondering where on earth my post is this morning? It’s not my fault, no really. There is some Gremlin that takes up all of the resources from my computer every Tuesday night. I think it’s Windows updates or something. Nothing gets done, no editing, no blog posts, nothing. This is the third time it’s happened. And no it’s not a virus, or anything else… just Windows hogging the resources. Sigh…
But don’t be blue, Blueberries are here! I am stoked, and loving each bite, I do miss the fields of blue. Despite our orchards, and massive farms in the Okanagan, there are no commercially grown blueberries up here, like on the coast. So we have to time it just right in order to find any at all. These have been nibbled away, and the rest are destined for the freezer. Those cold winter days are really perked up with blueberry cornmeal muffins hot from the oven. Lathered in butter… drooling already?
Are you blue for berries?