Dear Bug, yes, you, the one that ate the stem off of my never seen it bloom yet Day Lily. Thanks, and I say that with all the sarcasm your little bug brain can understand, which given the size of your brain, and I think calling it a brain is generous, isn’t that big.
Thanks a million… bug, what
you did really bugs me.
I mean, what, you couldn’t wait for it to bloom, and then eat it? It’s already ages behind everyone else’s Day Lilies, and I would like to know what color it is before winter sets in.

Then Bug, you added insult to injury, and ate the buds off of 3 more plants, or was that your friends?

Did you have some little bug party where you guys all went wild in my garden chomping away at everything.

Let’s go willlllddddd. Well that really bugs me. Maybe it’s time for me to think about some organic BUG KILLERS, yes, bring out the big guns, that’ll teach you.

Next time you want to party, go and do it at the neighbours house. Bugged……