My Way of Living + thankful

In the end, it’s just a bit of rain

Weather is a great metaphor for life — sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella. ~Terri Guillemets
Weather or not? According to a few people interviewed on the local news the other night, we are having a terrible summer here on the West Coast. A horrific, catastrophic out of proportion to the season kind of wind, and rain, and nightmare summer. “Oh really?” People, it’s just a bit of rain! There are no floods here, no houses floating through towns as they are carried away from weeping families who have finally reached safe ground only to see their life swept away. That’s happening somewhere else. Consider yourself blessed that all you need to deal with is a little rain. There are no drought parched fields, with dusty, cough causing, get in your very pores dirt that coats everything. Someone else is dealing with that right now. Normal, or not This is just a almost normal West Coast summer. Yes, we had a bit of rain yesterday, we really have not had that much. Sure we have had some gloomy days, some even cool days. And yes, I know it’s summer, the time we wait all wet winter for, but it’s simply just a bit of rain… consider yourself blessed that’s all it is. Be thankful, or else! And in between there are beautiful, warm sunny days that should be even more special to us. And if you don’t appreciate them, I am sure there are people suffering through heat, and flooding that would be more then happy to trade if they could.
This is my opinion, so sorry if you don’t agree, but frankly, I am tired of the complaining done by all of us. This is what it is, make the most of it. Life is like the weather, see the quote above…

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In the end, it’s just a bit of rain + thankful