Dear Garden, Please remind me of your midsummer accomplishments next May, when I glance through a window at the almost bare earth and despair of you ever succeeding at our dreams.
Remind me that I am not
thinking far enough ahead.
That your bare sticks, and tiny leaves will soon fill out gloriously green, and lushly colorful, brimming over beds, and filling blank walls. That new life will indeed spring from that dark wet earth, and by this time next year it will be warm. Dear Garden, remind me in April when I lament that the season starts slow here, and not to judge you by other bloggers gardens.

Garden, remind me in July to remember how dry you were this year, and to think about watering needs before I purchase anymore plants. Tell me to think more with my mind, and not with my heart, I don’t have to rescue every sad plant at the big box store.

Tell me to fertilize you more, and remind me to keep composting even in the winter, because you will reward me with such beautiful flowers. Midsummer garden let me think before adding those few hundred extra seeds, after all from one tiny seed a large plant grows, and every seed needs room to grow, and I can’t bear to thin them out.

Hey, midsummer garden, tell me to set up the irrigation system early next spring, not waiting until the plants are full grown to figure it out. You will look so much better without tattered leaves.

So you have a busy spring ahead of you, reminding me that you will grow, not to plant so heavily, and not to buy so much. But midsummer garden you are up to it, and so am I. Planning ahead……