The team once did some carbo loading
There was a fair amount of jokes , sunny laughs and goading
With the words "Milo Marathon" on everyone's lips
The prevailing conversations saw people exchanging tips
TOSH was the venue, that one in Market Market
Once the gang was there we made such a racket
The guys were dashing, the gals all charming
But the sessions still culminated in how to use this Garmin
Newbies and vets all mingled and conversed
Too many conversations, just a few of them perverse
People were nervous over the cutoff time
While Gingerbreadman was chilling, enjoying his iced tea and lime
Bong Z was in his element, his usual charm pervading
Whatever effect that has on women goes without saying
Bong Yu was focused, all primed for a win
Little did he know he had a secret twin
Rico had trained hard for this, he will succeed by sheer will
He ran hard through every trail, every road and every hill
Doc Lyndon was a steadying presence as much as any other
Although he fended off accusations that he had a long lost brother
Speedy Natz arrived shortly after along with his girlie
With all the training he put in he's sure to finish early
How'd he get so fast one must wonder
His cameo appearances on the boards makes our hearts grow fonder
Argow was strapping in a his long sleeved shirt
If you didn't know better you'd even think he's a flirt
He had to make the 21k cutoff, there was no other way
But judging from this scene he sure had a good day

The food was overflowing as Neil would attest
Even Ian had to concede that it was a huge pig-out fest
But Doc T was uneasy, he fought the urge with all his might
He sure found solace in a bottle of San Mig Light
The Kenkoy Runner was all psyched and ready to go
He was all smiles with his lady friends in tow
A 21k PR was certainly in the works
Judging from his smile, he's having fun with his kaberks ( okay okay that was horrible )
Our one and only Coach led the solemn invocation
The runners needed some prayers to bolster their motivation
"We will finish if we put our minds to it" professed buddy Rod
When we have nothing left to give let's just leave it up to God
Amidst the racket had emerged a precocious newbie
In relative running terms she was more or less a rookie
Not much was known, except that her name was Shel
When she saw Doc T - "Ay ang laki ng masel!"
We thank Boss Jinoe and Queenie for giving us this chance
Providing us with an avenue where relationships are enhanced
Everyone had so much fun, I'd rate it a perfect ten
Just give me the time and date... .
And I'd unflinchingly do it again :)
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