I love daisies.they figured predominately in my childhood garden memories, along with the I love you, I love you not verse. Prince Charming always loved us by the way.
There are many things to love about summer, the beautiful weather, sunshine, flowers, the birds singing.

Love it: If it’s hot enough the obsessive manicured lawn crowd seem to all go to the beach for the day, leaving it peaceful and quiet here.
Love it not: The bad boy dude on the tricked out bright orange Harley that roars past us day, and night. Sporting more tattoos than the painted lady at the circus, looking like he is at least 8 months along, about to give birth to a baby… tricycle. Get a muffler tough dude, and slow down for the park zone, there are kids playing there.
Love it: It’s hot, so it’s the perfect time to play around with ice cream recipes, hot chocolate, coconut lime swirl anyone? Pina colada popsicles, for adults with rum?

Love it not: The new neighbour’s that moved in two houses down, and immediately said with pride that they have big dogs that like to bark, day and night. They weren’t kidding. But then again, neither was I when I opened my front door and politely asked them to clean up the disgusting deposit their huge hound left in the middle of my front lawn. The owner was rather shocked that I asked him to remove it.
Maybe I should sic the Orange Harley dude on them.

Love it: This is one of the reasons we go through the cold and snowy winters here. In the summer time we can drive 10 minutes to the orchards, and get cherries so fresh they are still warm from the sun. I’ve made cherry jam to top my homemade yogurt in the dark of winter, does it get any better than that?
Well, maybe the fresh strawberries from my Sister’s farm.and there are some stashed in the freezer for good luck.
Got any summer love ‘em, love ‘em not's?

I’m following a summer schedule for the next little while that makes it a little easier to get to everyone’s blog, look for MBD posts on Sunday, Wednesday, and Fridays for the next little while. Hope your summer is full of love em’s, and very few love em not’s.