So here I am, thinking I'm ready to write my post. It's a day of beauty out there, and the feelings that it brings to earth are pretty amazing. There's a promise in the warm air…that says we might be in for a early spring. I'm not sure if I believe it will happen or not.

That's a post for another day, it's written in my mind, I even have the photos organized. I can't wait to share them with you, [that's what is known as a blogging tease] but I'm saving them for a gloomier day. A colder day, so I can recall the feelings this amazing sunny day is inspiring, and feel good while I write it. See, double the fun. It's not that I am not flexible about what, and when I write, I certainly cover a lot of subjects. It's just that when you have such a beautiful day, you learn to hang onto it as tight as you can, it's hoarding at it's best. Our winter is long here. The shout outs to spring from other bloggers used to bother me, make my fingers itch to get into the soil, not gaze out onto winter cloaks that show no shape. But like everything I've made my peace with it, it's gorgeous here, and when the sun comes out…stunning. It's truly a remarkable day out, and I want to take the time to savour it, make it last. We can share it in a few days, and I will appreciate it even more then. It's earmarked for the middle of the week. Instead I'm trying to find words that are a good fit for the photos that I thought I was using in my middle of the week post, but am now switching out. Life's like that.

The sun is calling my feet to wander, the camera is recharged. The ideas I was so certain I was going to share today are hiding under the blanket with the cat. And he doesn't like to be woken up any earlier then usual. We have this wonderful sun, shining on the white snow…melting the rooftops, dripping, it's above seasonal today. It would be a shame to waste it, wouldn't it? I'll see you in the middle of the week.