“Stop sloshing around on the blow up mattress, you’re making me seasick.” I tell him. It’s too hot to sleep upstairs during this rather unseasonable heat wave, and we have opted to “rough it” in the much cooler downstairs office by launching our last year’s acquisition of a blow up bed supposedly to be used for guests, in order to escape the heat upstairs.
Truly I was seasick, we referred to the never before used mattress as a dingy… it certainly felt like we were sleeping in one. Tossing and turning, hoping to catch a cool breeze, we joked that now the warranty was off, it would deflate.

We had no idea it would be at the stroke of midnight. And again at 2 am, and finally I jumped ship at 4 am. Man overboard, or I guess we should say woman who has deserted ship, and made her way upstairs come heat, or high water.

The brand new mattress could only seem to hold enough air for two hours, and we would wake up a little too near the hardwood floor for comfort. Bootsie our cat was rather disturbed at our new sleeping arrangements and made his preference known by trying to hide under the now deflated mattress.

But not that disturbed that he couldn’t circle the floor level mattress with his claws clicking on the hard floor. Dum dum dum dummmm dum dum dummmm the theme song from Jaw’s echoed in my sleep deprived mind, over and over. At least until it was time to abandon ship yet once again, and pump up the mattress.

Ah… indoor glamping, or as we sailors call it, roughing it on the high seas.
On a different note, Muddy Boot Dreams the blog is today all of 5 years old. Blow out those candles MBD’s… it’s your blogaversary. I’ve met so many wonderful and interesting people that I would never had had the chance to meet if I didn’t hit that publish button years ago.
A great big thank you to everyone who follows, and reads my blog.
And a round of virtual birthday cake for everyone.

Look for the next MBD’s blog post this Friday, and until then, enjoy the cake.