Seriously, it’s raining muskrats, not just cat’s and dogs around here. For a dry climate we sure have had lot of moisture in the last little while. And that means more mosquitoes.
Our neighbour told us that June is the rainy month up here… it sure is. For a climate that usually sees it’s last rain around April, and none again until sometime late September this is extreme. The unpredictable weather has allowed us to slack off on our watering duties… we haven’t even watered the farm garden for at least a week. Which is a little relief, since the mosquies are eating me alive no matter what I wear. I am thinking of purchasing the latest in Kevlar gardening wear, just to be able to go outside for a few minutes.
Doesn’t matter where we go, the mosquies still love me, I increased my B1 intake to 200 mg per day… that’s a lot, but it makes absolutely no difference to the pesky creatures.
I have a natural mosquito repellent, but I don’t think it’s working, and those burning bites that extend for inches, and last for days are driving me nuts.
Anyone else mosquie bait? I eat enough garlic to kill a vampire, don’t use scented soaps, I know… same old record, I’ve blogged about it before, but the bites itch and burn, and that’s on antihistamines…
Tell me I am not the only walking buffet out there. Buzzing,