There is something about this spring especially, it’s abundant overflow of color, texture, and scent that’s made me go into overdrive. Or maybe it’s just the fact that I realize that a particular bloom will not reappear until a full year from now. So it must be captured right this moment. Many times I have hauled my poor tired body out the door because the light is perfect, the time is right, and that “flower!!!” is blooming now. And then I use the argument with my aching feet that it might rain the next day, so take advantage. Maybe the cats are outside, and they are playfully skittish, and happy. Shooting them is a joy, Boosie still doesn’t like the lens, and is shy. But the next door kitty loves the camera. Consequently I now have almost 5000 images taken just in the months of April, and May. With the spring like weather my friend, and I walk in the evenings, and I take my camera. We always make sure to get in a few late sun downer shots through the leaves. And our route goes past the best of the local gardens. Then there are the flowers that bloom in my little patio, the ferns with tendrils reaching towards the light, and the hosta’s sprinkled with water jewels. All perfect camera subjects. So what’s a girl to do with all those unseen pics on her computer? Why share them of course. I am sure if I add a few extra each post, we can get through the majority of them by August. But then of course I will have added many more…
My Way of Living + Photography
What to do with all of those pictures…