I got up pretty early yesterday morning to get these shots, and they were well worth it, even if I did end up embarrassed at one point. Early the other morning there was a ground mist swirling around, it doesn’t last long, only until the sun rises completely and then it’s burned off.

I jumped in the truck right out of bed, so picture this, black truck, bed head hair, and a camera in one hand. Probably a law against driving while shooting, but they are country back roads, not city streets and I hardly ever encounter anyone.

Turning onto a long country road just minding my own business, I come across a man walking his two dogs. He doesn’t look impressed at my driving slowly down the road, and he reins in his dogs as I pass by him and glares at me. Just past him is the perfect angle of light, spider webs, fences, and pastures, I want this shot.

Jumping out of the truck with the camera in my hand, I realize that in order to get the sun flare I am looking for I will have to squat down on the ground behind the truck. The guy is ever so slowly walking away from my vehicle, and I am hoping that he doesn’t bother looking back. I can’t wait any longer, I need to get my shot before the sun goes behind a cloud again, so all 6 feet of me hunkers down in the ditch.

Of course he turns and looks back, and there I am squatting on the ground… oh I hope that he saw the camera. I think even his dogs sneered. What I won’t do for a good shot.