My Way of Living + Visual

Bootsie, woodpeckers, and a break
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We have the most gorgeous, huge Pileated Woodpeckers here… they are the size of a crow, in fact they push the crows away from the feeder. Not hard to tell who’s the top of the food chain here.
Last summer we only saw a few glimpses of them soaring and swooping through the trees, it was awesome to see them fly through, and this year we are the yard of choice. Must be all the homemade suet we made all winter… but since we are loath to have them leave we do put up a bit of suet all summer for them. They don’t seem to mind.

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While we were standing out side the other day one dived in for a drive through meal. They are not a fearful bird at all, I have been watering away, looked up and there they were hanging on the tree above me, like I wasn’t even there.

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This one was so close that I got the camera, and wanted to get some close up shots…

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Bootsie was nearby, something red headed caught his eagle eye… you can see him trying his best to stalk the woodpecker… don’t be alarmed, the bird is about 10 feet up the tree. It was in no danger at all… as soon as the Boo got too close, it would dart up the tree and scamper away. If Bootsie backed off, it came back down.

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I’m taking a bit of a blogging and social media break… might be a week, might be two… I am not sure. But I will do my best to return as many of your comments as I can… if I missed your blog, please know I will get back to visiting as soon as I am able to.

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Thanks so much for understanding, I’ll miss you, but a break is a good thing. I have a few posts dated to appear, some flower shots that I really wanted to share with everyone. And that way I don’t fall off the blogging screen.
Meanwhile, happy gardening, happy blogging, see you soon.

Blog, Boot, food, HAPPY, Home, Photography, Rural, and more:

Bootsie, woodpeckers, and a break + Visual