We are just over our 6th month living up here, and finding out that the weather is just as unpredictable as down on the coast. We were told that it rains, but it stops after April, and doesn’t come back until October, but lately it’s rained cats and dogs, downpours, and ditches overflowing, and this is June.

A real Okanagan rain is a light sprinkling, the ground won’t be saturated, the cars won’t be wet, and the wipers might be needed if you are speeding down the highway and then only on delay. A real Okanagan rain is one that you can walk through without a jacket, or umbrella, and never fear getting your hair or your glasses wet. We haven’t had too many of those lately. It’s been torrential downpours, and saturated soil.

When the sun comes out it’s hot, and the soil dries out so quick you forget that it ever rained for days. We’ve had some really beautiful warm days and now we are back to the real Okanagan rain around here for the next few days. And you know, I really don’t mind them.

What kind of rains do you get in summer? Torrential, or drought conditions? Drying out…