A Treasure Trove I have found a real hidden treasure trove of plants growing in a secret location. Our White Rock City Hall, Library, Fire Department, and Police Department all share the same site. It’s convenient, and most likely saves money that way. Well I know what they are doing with the cost savings, [I am joking here] buying very special plant varieties, and stuffing their gardens full of them. They tend to tuck them out of sight, around the backs of the buildings. But if you know where to look… They have the best selection of iris that I have seen outside of a growers, or a specialty farm. They have erythronium, [pagoda lily] patches that are huge and lovely, deciduous azaleas, bleeding hearts, hakonechloa, which is a stunning golden tinged grass. Huge pink poppies, and double blooming cherry trees. It seems that each time I go there, another special plant has popped up to surprise me, and my camera. Hot buttered popcorn. I was returning some books to the library when I noticed all of the iris peeping through the shrubs. White ones looking for all the world like bridal dresses on stems. Purples tones in deep and dark, and light, and lush. Peach colored ones that reminded me of fruit smoothies made with yogurt. I must have been hungry, the best ones, a pale yellow, and creamy white, looking like hot buttered popcorn. Oh yum, and I can almost smell it. Does this not remind you of hot buttered popcorn? Pass the salt. I took tons of photos, and plan on visiting the iris again, to see if any more decide to pop open. They may be behind the buildings, and tucked away, but I know where to look.
My Way of Living + Light
Like hot buttered popcorn