Sit in chair and look out of window at mess left after winter storm sigh…
Sigh some more, read another seed catalogue.
Think about cleaning up garden, think about sore muscles, and sore back…think about cleaning up garden another time.
Think about article you read on stretching, get out of chair and stretch, sit down again quickly… you’ve hurt your back.
Look for garden gloves carelessly thrown in cupboard last fall, realize that you have many, many singles, and no matching pairs.
Know that Martha Stewart would have them all organized according to size, and color.
Realize that you are not Martha Stewart, go outside with one lime glove, and one hot pink glove, who cares what the neighbours think.
Vow to be more organized with garden gloves next fall.
Look for gardening tools carelessly thrown in cupboard last fall, fail to find anything even closely resembling a garden tool.
Vow to be more organized with garden tools next fall.
Using a child’s plastic toy shovel, start to carefully dig the mounds of leaves left by winter storms covering the new shoots of your precious perennials
Give up digging carefully, and use child’s toy rake. Destroy many new shoots of precious perennials. Oh well, plenty more were those came from.
Realize you have just destroyed your $95.00 Peony. The one you never told your husband about yet.
Sit in chair and look out window at messy garden. Sigh.