My Way of Living + Style

1001 awesome things, what more can you ask for?

I mean really? 1001 awesome things. Yes, totally awesome things, this is a blog that you will want to read everyday. Truly amazing, tiny little moments that normally would pass us by in the blink of a eye. This blogger is amazing, even awesome in how he can transform the everyday events of our lives, into memorable “oh my moments.” Taking a view that life, the news, and the world, are already too full of bad things, he instead dwells on those fine details like a spider web backlit by sunlight. You will love your daily dose of this blogger.


Here are a few of my “awesome things” below, and I am encouraging you to share some with the rest of us in your comments. First: you blog readers, you honestly have no idea how much your comments, and your reading of my blog mean to me. A email with good news from a long time no hear from friend. Nothing like staying in touch again. Finding extra money in your wallet, when you didn’t have enough to begin with. A whiff of fragrant blooms on a sunny day. Lilac’s, or maybe roses, or even Lily of the Valley. Scented treasures. Coming across a totally new pair of gardening gloves from the season before. Never worn, and just for you.


Finding out that a friend has secured a good job, after a stint of unemployment. Great news. Bootsie coming through the garden gate, with more then just food on his mind. A kitty cuddle. Let us know what your “awesome things” are. Jane

Blog, Blogging, food, Inspiration, and more:

1001 awesome things, what more can you ask for? + Style