My Way of Living + Time

Bleeding heart-

There are a few things on my mind right now… but I figure it’s a good thing, think of the alternative. No thoughts, no life? Right? I’ll take the stuff on my mind. Oh, and there is a bug alert for anyone that gets queasy if they see a pic of a dead bug. No it’s not a spider, I don’t do spiders, or snakes on this blog, remember long ago I promised. But I have to know what this bug is called… besides dead. It’s spring, so why is the weather menopausal? It’s hot, then it’s cold out, I am hot, I am freezing.not necessarily in that order. Can you have hot flashes before you hit menopause? Or is that just spring fever?

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I really am obsessing about a gorgeous ruffled shower curtain that I saw somewhere, it had rows, and rows of soft stunning ruffles… do you think my husband would object if I made a ombre grey one for the flesh eating pink bathroom? Could I tell him it’s spring fever? And that the shower curtain will change back over for winter to the heavier dark grey/blue one that he loves. Do you think he will notice? If it takes two positive thoughts to cancel out a negative thought in the universe, does eating a apple cancel out the bad parts of eating a apple with caramel dip, if you make the dip from scratch? I found a wonderful recipe for caramel sauce, and I dream of it all the time. Been rationing it out over the last week, it’s almost finished up. I can’t remember where I found the recipe, to make some more, do you think the universe is trying to tell me something?

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Bootsie is loving the sun in the yard, he sits under the bird feeder with his head tipped up towards the treetops and listens to the birds chirping, it’s so sweet. So far he hasn’t quite figured out that the birds are really there, not just a figment of his imagination. They’re eating out of the bird feeder when he is right there… synchronicity? Or just a over fed kitty who is too lazy to make a move? Not that we want him to go after the birds, I watch him carefully. OK, BUG ALERT!!!

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This poor squished bug, yes the one right beside my size 10 hiking boots, that’s how big the flattened thing is… at least 4 inches, OK, maybe about 2 1/2 to 3 inches long, what is it?

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And why on earth did we move to a place where these honking big things fly around? What do you do if one hits you when it’s zooming around? No wonder people park so badly up here, they are trying to avoid the bugs squished in the parking lots.

Blog, Day, and more:

Ponderings… + Time