My Way of Living + Light

Well at least I am not alone in hearing strange noises
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You guys… make me feel so much better about this ummmm… ”noise” that emanates from our kitchen occasionally. I just finished reading all of the comments, and they certainly do run the gamut from icy fingers to total level headedness.

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The best part, no one laughed at me, and no one poked fun at me while they were leaving a comment. Yes, I did hide outside in full view of the neighbours, in my housecoat, and yes, admittedly I was a little fearful. [There were some family members that rolled their eyes at my story, “what are you scared of, and why would you go outside when you heard something?]

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But the bloggers were so supportive, and it’s nice to know that other people have had some um… discomfort in the dark also. Thanks to everyone who left me a comment, I have some pondering to do, this house doesn’t have a bad vibe to it at all… but maybe it could use some good words, and good thoughts.

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The Boo’s behaviour is more quizzical then fearful, he doesn't seem to have any fearful thoughts in his head other then “my tummy is hungry… again, when is dinner, lunch, breakfast.” So if that’s any indication… shrugging. And thanks to Lori for that wonderful [I should have thought about it myself] suggestion, I’ve got that special flashlight, that acts as a night light, and recharges it’s self so it’s always ready when needed. That’s going to be a real help for the next time the power goes out.

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So think good thoughts for my house, the noise hasn’t really happened again since the beginning of the week. I am wondering if it is a nail in a floor joist in the kitchen, moving with the temperature fluctuations. Yes undoubtedly that is what it has to be, at least for now, until I hear it again in the middle of the night. But then should the power go out, I will have my special nightlight/flashlight to chase away the shadows. And all of your good common sense comments to make me feel brave. Thanks, PS, we are all wondering, do you, or don’t you? Believe in ghosts that is? Would love to hear your opinions in your comments.

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Well at least I am not alone in hearing strange noises + Light