I distinctly remember running the first ever edition of this a few years back. I had just finished my very first ultramarathon ( the Botak 50k) and had gotten wind that the first ever disposable timing chip race would be upon us. Not only that, you could also get to run through the previously off-limits Makati CBD district. In spite of the fact that I would only be getting a couple of weeks worth of rest, the foolhardy (and much chunkier) GBM of yesteryear went through with it anyway. I was promptly rewarded with blowing out my knee at about km 12 amidst a lame attempt to do a sub-2 hour 21k ( yes, it was the holy grail back then).I limped home to the line with my tail between my legs but with head unbowed as my Takbo.ph buddies back then (who are now) all either veteran ultramarathoners or pseudo celebrity bloggers) helped me get through the line. For last year's edition me and Ultramarathoner Abby were still dating, funny thing was she asked me to pick her up but she left her phone somewhere, leading to hours of flustered waiting. I eventually found her amidst 8,000 runners lol. Was one heck of a big event though. I remember that the big thing they had was the auto-Facebook update once you cross the line and the singlet made of recycled PET bottles. Thus, the race seems to always strike a chord with me, regardless if I run it or not.
This year's edition promises more of the same innovations, and since I couldn't shamelessly copy paste off the press kit they gave me because nothing was coming out on the file, I'll just wing this.

In a nutshell, the race offers 3k at P650, P750 for 5k, P850 for 10k, P950 for 15k, and P1,050 for 21k. While there was a bit of haranguing at the presser over the costs given it was nearly at the same price scale as a Skyway-infused Condura, my take on it is this -everyone drove up the market with the relative acceptance of thewhole premium-priced paradigm. Runners got more perks, expectations on both the corporate side and consumer side were raised, and this obviously costs money. Conversely, Rio ( now better known as ang lalaking walang pahinga after we were just with him the night before at his awards night) pointed out that he just came from a Running USA clinic and his counterparts were surprised at how technical he could be with his races and yet the prices were still lower than any comparable races in the world. If we wanted a breakdown of sorts , or at least some insight, he was open to a roundtable (let's wait on this for future reference)
Bobblehead Night at the Globe VIP row
P50 from the reg fee would go to a charity of the runner's choice - either GK, Haribon Foundation, Virlanie Foundation or Habitat for Humanity. These are all very good causes and we hope the event makes a dent into their coffers. Anyway, runners could even donate more using Globe's G-cash. Please do not let me explain what G-Cash is anymore, last I checked it's 2011 already. In addition the same get 4, 1 free principle that was so popular in years past is still in effect. Of course, what people do is no one really get the free kit, the five people just share in the resulting discount. Funny how we can go to great lengths to save 150 bucks, and yet we can spend the same amount on a latte at Starbucks. Or maybe that's just me.
Rio explains the 21k route in fun detail . Old ladies at the next table gasp "Ang Layo!" :P
How do you register? Go to globe.com.ph/run (official GBM nominee for most creative website link for 2011) and they will tell you everything that you need to do to register. Beats me explaining lol. Also, you can go to their live site at the Greenbelt 3 Cinema Lobby from February 28 to March 20 to register. Obviously, this a big race, so don't go waltzing in there on the 20th and go whining after they tell you the kits have run out. You all know the drill. Get smart and go early, avoid the stress.
So shall I all see you there? Am still thinking.
It's Abby's birthday that day that's why!:P