I’m running a little far behind in the last few weeks.
Still heavily into delete mode, with 40,000 of my over 60,000 images deleted, or reorganized.
Not quite done yet.
There are a few things I’ve noticed when I lift my eyes from the computer screen.
By the time…
By the time I realize it’s been a hour I’ve most likely deleted a couple of thousand shots.
And there are still many more to be done.
The housework isn’t finished, the dinner isn’t planned, and Boo is hungry again.

By the time I realize it’s late and I haven’t written a blog post, it’s the next day.
All of this deleting is making everything slow because it’s reorganizing itself internally, at least that’s what it tells me. I have no idea, I just know it’s still backing up on Google backup, it’s been a long week.
I seem to have deleted something in my files, my social media icons along with some headers on my blog have been missing, it’s on my list, I’ll get to it one day. Just have to finish deleting more photos.

By the time you forget to write a new post a couple of times, it’s easier, and easier to play hookey.
So that’s how that slippery slope gets so slick.
By the time I realize that there are comments piling up in my inbox from over 3 days ago, it’s almost embarrassing to have to start the reply with… I’m sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I’ve always tried to read your blog posts, and return your comments within a day or two.
By the time that I am done this I will have to pick up the camera and take some photos again, it’s been a week, and I miss my camera. The uninspiring brown and white landscape has taken it’s toll on my creativity, it’s lurking in there somewhere, don’t worry about that.
Oh do I crave some color.
By the time I get back to regularly posting, and reading so many exciting things will have happened in blog land that it will take days of reading just to catch up. You’ve got a what? You did that? How on earth, well, my goodness…

By the time I got back to sleep after a thoughtful neighbour decided to ride his snowmobile up and down the fields here at 4 AM on a Sunday morning, it was almost 7, and my day had started once again.
And the best of all,
By the time I am done.
I’m hoping that this tail end of the polar vortex is nothing more then a distant memory, and spring is hiding around the corner. I need spring, you need spring, we all need spring. These freezing cold temperatures, and snow are really wearing thin now… it’s March, let’s bring on some better weather for everyone. Stay warm, and keep that spring hope burning in your heart.