I do believe there is a black hole. A endless sucking vortex that swallows all of those good blogging ideas you have. [Along with your single missing socks, gloves, spare change you knew that you had in your wallet…you get the idea.] It's headquarters are situated right here, it lurks in the shiny new blogging planner I bought.

It started with such great intentions, get a blog planner, write down every single idea that pertains to blogging. From the brilliant to the mundane…get it out there in the universe. Get ahead of the game, plan, schedule, and sit back and relax. Watch how fast the pages get filled up with interesting things, make a system that highlights post ideas, so should the remarkable day come when I need a idea, I just page through it and voila! Sure it filled up quickly…with notes, ideas, quotes I wanted to use, tips, and blogging advice that I needed to retain. But something odd keeps happening. The ideas concerning the blog titles that I write down disappear as soon as they are written. Much like invisible ink…whoosh it's gone. That great idea I had about Baby Boomers…whioooooshhh. Wafting onto the air…like a snowflake. Sure was good while it lasted. And that funny post about the Boo…slurp…drank it up as soon as I wrote it. When I make the connection between pen, paper, and brain, all that is left is the title.thoughts, the ideas that would flesh it out are gone. Much like my resolve around chocolate cupcakes with vanilla cream frosting, made with real butter and cream. Gone.

Do you? Have you? Any thoughts on using one? Not the cupcake…the blog planner. Should you be distracted by thoughts of deep chocolate…with a touch of raspberry filling…and ooooohy gooey fudgy deep chocolate…and cream vanilla rich frosting…see what I mean…what were we talking about again? I'm sure it's a great idea those blog planners… Now all I need to do is put down some ideas about eating chocolate cupcakes with vanilla cream frosting, write them down twice to be sure it works to plan. And voila…those ideas will be gone too. For now I'm off to find some more cupcakes. I've got a blog planner to fill.