My Way of Living + Things

My spell check needs to learn latin

Do you think that there is a spell check that understands Latin? Is there a program out there that I can type in Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus', and have the correct spelling the first time? Without resorting to googling it every time?

It is bad enough that my spell check only speaks American, not Canadian eh? Colour becomes color, centre becomes center. My pre published posts are full of little red error lines throughout. Very distracting when you are trying to proof read a post. Worse if you are a potentially poor speller. Like me. Maybe I should just send my computer back to school, Latin 101. More than likely it would come back with a attitude. I can hear it now… That is not how you spell Philadelphus.
Redo it.

Garden, Performance, and more:

My spell check needs to learn latin + Things