My Way of Living + Things

Is that whine, a Red or a White?

I overheard a coworker jokingly asking someone today if their whine was a Red or a White? More than likely they were discussing the snow troubles we have been having lately. For the first time in over 40 years, it was a virtually white Christmas all across Canada. We are talking the hard to shovel, wet and soppy white stuff here. I did hear about a few, bare spots, but they were merely tears in the big white downy quilt, that was covering the land of ice and snow.

OHHHHHH Canada! Our home and snowy land! What have you done to us? Especially us on the West Coast? There is not a snow shovel or ice scraper to be found. De-Icer was a staple in Christmas stocking stuffers, and snow chains are the new"it" fashion item. Neighbour helping neighbour, sharing driveway clearing duty. Everyone joyfully disclaiming the weather, sharing their horror stories about the commute. Stores are running out of gloves, toques, and toboggans, while giddy shoppers stock up. Kids are laughing, as happy parents spend snowy days slipping and sliding with them. More people are getting their exercise walking to the stores, since their cars are buried under white marshmallow mounds of snow.

Oh Canada! We might not be able to get around as easily as we are used to, but this might just be the reprieve we need from all the doom and gloom on the news. There seems to be a little bit less of recession, and a whole lot more about the good deeds that people are doing for each other. It is allowing us to show our indomitable Canadian spirit. And that might just be a really good thing.

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Is that whine, a Red or a White? + Things